Lemon leaf with shrimps??

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Lemon leaf with shrimps??

Post by Serafin »

is this ok? i read somewhere that is good for all kind of shrimps

what kind of leaf you use in your shrimp tank?

any procedure with leaf before puting it in shrimp tank?
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Re: Lemon leaf with shrimps??

Post by Neonshrimp »

I use oak leaves in my tanks. I guess you can try lemon leaves, maybe someone already has and will post their experience.
any procedure with leaf before puting it in shrimp tank?
If you do a search on leaves you will find the procedure for collecting and preparing leave. The basic things to do is to collect dry leaves and soak it for a while. Let us know how they work for you.
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Re: Lemon leaf with shrimps??

Post by behhl »


I live in Malaysia - what I did after reading Mustaffa's recommendation of leaf litter - and from my personal observations of streams in my country I tend to agree with him on his assessment of the majority of enviroment for shrimp, all I did was go out into my garden and pick up some dried leafs which had fallen from trees around my house, soaked them a day or two in a bucket of water till they sank then I popped them into the aquarium with the shrimp. I even don't know what type of trees they are ... so there you go.

So far so good. The only leaf I personally rejected was a type of bamboo leaf which did not really seem to dry up so well ... perhaps I will need to try that one again in future.

What I am trying to say is that most tree leafs will do so long as they are dried till they are crinkly and crunchy. In most cases there will be no disaster - just observe for a while after putting the leaf in, normally any adverse situation manifests pretty quick in my observation.