I have a 30 gallon long tank with plants and driftwood . Temp ranges from 73 at night when I am home to 76 during day while working as unheated tank . Ph is roughly 7.8 because my Florida water is high. No fish .
I bought cherry shrimp 2 weeks ago and love them. Other than common ghost shrimp which are found in local waters .
I would like to add other shrimps that are compatible with them and can live in those temp,ph conditions.
Any suggestions or shrmp chart/site that lists shrimp pics with care info?
Thank you
What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
Moderator: Mustafa
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
May I suggest Petshrimp.com? I've heard good things about that site and it seems like they have descriptions of tons of species on their shrimp varieties page and a forum where this topic has been discussed ad nauseum. I hear the site owner is a little eccentric, but the site seems very helpful.
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
Hello, if you would like something different, try a bamboo shrimp. They have other names like rocky mountain shrimp. What makes these different is that they are part of the fan shrimps, meaning they feed using fans instead of claws. Look them up and I'm sure you will like what you see.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
Thanks after posting this I found the site.
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
Carlo wrote:Hello, if you would like something different, try a bamboo shrimp. They have other names like rocky mountain shrimp. What makes these different is that they are part of the fan shrimps, meaning they feed using fans instead of claws. Look them up and I'm sure you will like what you see.
Good luck!
Thank you
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
This is an issue that I had occur.
I did not really post much about it before because I didnt really have anything empirical to add...more of an anecdotal conclusion.
I purchased some Malawa shrimp to add to my Cherry Shrimp/invert tank.
Water volume 75 gallons pH approximately 7.0-7.4
Substrate clay.
I do not feed the shrimp or add fertilizers to the tank and it is pretty densely planted with pelia, java fern, and some sort of small grass.
It was an invertebrate themed tank, there were MTS snails, ramshorns, small leeches, tubifex worms and gammarus.
The tank was overrun with Cherries before the 10 Malawa shrimp arrived. Despite never feeding my cherry shrimp in this volume of water my population had grown to 200-300+ cherry shrimp.
Finally the 10 Malawa arrived and I continued to avoid feeding or adding anything to the tank, other than light and water changes.
In less than a year I had less than 30 Cherry shrimp. And somewhere around 400-500 Malawa shrimp.
The Malawa were not aggressive towards my cherry shrimp or anything but they seemed far more vigorous. Actively darting around constantly causing the cherries to scatter. Additionally the Malawa seemed far far more reproductive... they just seemed to have more babies survive till 'adolescence'.
Eventually my cherry population became extinct.
Originally 200-300+ cherries in 75 gallons of water, but after adding 10 malawa the entire shrimp population was replaced with Malawa in less than a year and more of them.
So I dont know if this is a reproducible result...but I found the transition so compelling that I would not personally recommend mixing Cherries and Malawa shrimp, especially in an unfed tank, unless I could figure out if something other than competition killed off the Cherries.
They are both great shrimp...but I miss the Cherries.....
I did not really post much about it before because I didnt really have anything empirical to add...more of an anecdotal conclusion.
I purchased some Malawa shrimp to add to my Cherry Shrimp/invert tank.
Water volume 75 gallons pH approximately 7.0-7.4
Substrate clay.
I do not feed the shrimp or add fertilizers to the tank and it is pretty densely planted with pelia, java fern, and some sort of small grass.
It was an invertebrate themed tank, there were MTS snails, ramshorns, small leeches, tubifex worms and gammarus.
The tank was overrun with Cherries before the 10 Malawa shrimp arrived. Despite never feeding my cherry shrimp in this volume of water my population had grown to 200-300+ cherry shrimp.
Finally the 10 Malawa arrived and I continued to avoid feeding or adding anything to the tank, other than light and water changes.
In less than a year I had less than 30 Cherry shrimp. And somewhere around 400-500 Malawa shrimp.
The Malawa were not aggressive towards my cherry shrimp or anything but they seemed far more vigorous. Actively darting around constantly causing the cherries to scatter. Additionally the Malawa seemed far far more reproductive... they just seemed to have more babies survive till 'adolescence'.
Eventually my cherry population became extinct.
Originally 200-300+ cherries in 75 gallons of water, but after adding 10 malawa the entire shrimp population was replaced with Malawa in less than a year and more of them.
So I dont know if this is a reproducible result...but I found the transition so compelling that I would not personally recommend mixing Cherries and Malawa shrimp, especially in an unfed tank, unless I could figure out if something other than competition killed off the Cherries.
They are both great shrimp...but I miss the Cherries.....
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
Very interesting post thanks. My cherry shrimp now have eggs and going to stick with them and add few crystal shrimp in future but that is it no other shrimp.
I heard same thing you as your experience from someone else and they to lost all their cherry shrimp..
I heard same thing you as your experience from someone else and they to lost all their cherry shrimp..
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
I've made similar experiences as Terran in the past. When two species of shrimp are kept in the same tank, one tends to outcompete the other. It goes so far that one species actually stops reproducing altogether (i.e. no egg-carrying females running around). I would imagine that in really, really huge tanks certain species could co-exist, especially if they occupy different ecological niches...although a 75 gallon is already very large.
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
Do you think that if fed, the cherries would have survived?
Re: What shrimp can be kept with cherry shrimp?
I don't think it's a matter of food competition. There is usually plenty of food around in any given tank. Hormonal suppression is one possibility...different sensitivity to ammonia is another (as populations grow, ammonia production grows)...there are many other hypotheses but I have not come to a conclusion yet.