My Bamboo shrimp escape story

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Posts: 34
Joined: Wed May 27, 2009 4:14 am

My Bamboo shrimp escape story

Post by 7Enigma »

So my cherry shrimp tank has been doing ok since I made some drastic changes. Been going on 2 weeks now with no deaths and seemingly happy shrimp.

I decided I wanted a centerpiece for the 10 gallon and found out our local Petco carries asian filter shrimp (bamboo). I went and they looked great. Not quite full size but pretty close and appeared healthy. I got one for $10, slowly acclimated to the tank, and the bamboo shrimp seemed nice and happy. It was scraping stuff with it's fans all over the ground and filtering out of the water and exploring the tank. This is my work tank so when I left for the day yesterday everything was great.

I have a glass top with a small cutout for the HOB filter. Minus that small spot there is virtually no way anything can get out. But apparently that was the only spot needed.

Spent 30min this morning when I got to work and couldn't find the shrimp in the tank, in my cubicle, on the floor, etc. Did a Google search and found out they are known escape artists. I widened my search but still couldn't find it. Then a coworker came in. I mentioned to keep an eye out for a shrimp (somewhat as a joke). All of a sudden he called me over. The shrimp had been found.

It had somehow climbed out of the tank, off the desk and onto the floor, and then walked 15 feet under the cubicles to the outside of someone's office where it finally died (probably from drying out). I'm really bummed both due to the cost and the loss of the shrimp, but that is one heck of a story….

I'm going to have to give serious thought to what I can possibly do to keep another one in the tank. Some sort of metal mesh or something as the only openings are so seemingly difficult to exploit I'm shocked...
Posts: 34
Joined: Wed May 27, 2009 4:14 am

Re: My Bamboo shrimp escape story

Post by 7Enigma »

One other thought I had was to add a bit to the Shrimp Varieties page on the Asian Filter Shrimp. I had no idea until after losing it that they are known escape artists. Mustafa, is it possible for you to update the info page to mention this?
