Filter shrimp in 10g fuge

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Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:15 pm

Filter shrimp in 10g fuge

Post by cz »

I have a 10g shrimp-only fuge with several neocaridina sp and "Indian Algae" shrimp. Experiment with layout has free floating particles from the main tank collected in the fuge, and much of it is free floating/visible. Current is 36gph through the 10g. I think a small filter feeder would like the enviornment.

What do you think about my adding a bamboo shrimp? Recommend a smaller shrimp that likes suspended organic compounds? It must be available in the US. Thanks.
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Post by Mustafa »

In my experience Filter Shrimp feel claustrophobic in a 10 gallon and hide most of the time. They are just too big for a tank like that. On the other hand, I have seen them in pretty small tanks (about 10 gallons I guess) in petstores filtering away and not feeling all that shy at all. So it all depends. I would still recommend a larger tank for these shrimp though. As to the suspended particles...why not put in a sponge filter connected to a powerhead to suck all that stuff up?

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Post by Shroitaka »

i have two filter shrimps in a 10 gal and they are doing fine. you need to make sure that they have a hidding place. i have a small log in my tank that they like to hide sometime. and u can tell if they are well feed by looking at their shit line.
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Post by cz »

Thanks. Maybe LFS will let me try and see. Shroitaka, are yours Wood/Bamboo shrimp?

Mustafa, my layout usually has a DIY wet/dry and sponge filters between compartments. I was experimenting and set up all filtration after the fuge, specifically to see if I could have high suspended particles for filter shrimp. You have a great site.
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Location: San Diego, CA

Post by Shroitaka »

i think they are the same species (bamboo and wood). i one in light tan and the other one is dark brown. it was lable bamboo shrimps when i bought them at Petco.