Thoughts on Nerite Snails

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Thoughts on Nerite Snails

Post by Cakelake »

Hello everyone! So I was thinking of getting a nerite snail to help cycle my tank. I've seen many suggestions on getting mufasas snails to help with the cycling process but I really don't want to buy them until I buy the shrimp to save on the shipping cost. I know nerite snails have a very large appetite which has deterred me from wanting to get one. I was thinking of getting one and giving it algae tablets until I actually see algae in the tank. Basically what I'm wondering is if getting one is a horrible idea unless in the future there's an excessive amount of algae in the tank.

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Re: Thoughts on Nerite Snails

Post by Varanus »

How big is the tank? That is one consideration to make, especially since different nerite species reach different sizes.

As for using nerites to speed cycling, I can't answer whether that works well or not but perhaps someone else can. In my experience nerites are tougher than some snails but still more sensitive than ones like Mustafa's trumpet snails.
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Re: Thoughts on Nerite Snails

Post by Ace »

I would not use Nerites to cycle the water. You can use Fluval Cycle like I did or any good cycle product. They allow instant addition of animals.
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Re: Thoughts on Nerite Snails

Post by KenCotigirl »

Ace I realize you like the quick cycle products but that is not the recommended method of this site. Also promoting it to new shrimpers may not be best. I would suggest you put a disclaimer when promoting it such as this is my method not the sites recommended method. Better yet why not start a new post detailing your method and its results over time. This way the 'Ace' method (fast cycling) can be searched out and new members can make an educated decision.

As you have noticed most questions from beginners is why is this or that happening. If they use the sites methods its easier to help them. You add a variable that makes assisting them more difficult.

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Re: Thoughts on Nerite Snails

Post by JennyPenny »

I would not introduce nerites to a tank that was not well established and had plentiful algae.
It's hard to wait, but waiting is the best way to cycle your tank. These shrimp live for so long, that waiting a few months to properly establish their tank is a small price to pay. Just try to be patient and it will pay off big!!
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Re: Thoughts on Nerite Snails

Post by minishrimps »

Nerites won't really "help" cycling, most of them like to eat surface algae which is what you're trying to establish and will inevitably add "waste" to the tank which does produce ammonia. The trumpet snails from Mustafa will eat surface algae off the glass of your tank too but will most likely spend their time in the substrate keeping that "clean". I think the idea of adding trumpet snails early on during cycling is because they will work through the substrate and help to aerate it. As Varanus said, nerites are also a bit more sensitive to water conditions than the trumpet snails. They will not be as adaptable to higher levels of ammonia. It's important to remember that is the reason for cycling the water. To establish the bacteria that will get rid of ammonia. Not for the sake of food, you can always supplement that if necessary.

I like Nerites they are cool to watch cruise around and "snuggle". I have three in my 2.5 gallon tank, and 7 or 8 in my 5 gallon tank 3 of which are Zebra Horned Nerites. They eat a lot compared to the Pipipi variety which make up the rest of my snail populations. Some nerites are more voracious than others and will eat the surface algae off of a small tank quite quickly. I believe the Zebra Horned Nerites don't grow as fast or as big as some of the other species. None of mine have grown that much compared to how much they eat. A friend of mine has a Tiger Nerite and it has grown considerably in a years time and most of my Pipipi snails are twice the size of my Zebra Horned snails.
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