shrimps are dying!!! help

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shrimps are dying!!! help

Post by Shroitaka »

hi, some of my shrimps are dying. I think because their moult is unsuccessful. about 3 days ago i had 3 dead and i though that it was because of old age, but now i have 1 dead and 2-3 more on the way.
my water is fine because i do a water change every week and temperature is at 73F. I have lots of plant with sand as a substrate.
i noticed that there are tiny partical in midwater (they don't sink or float to the top), does this mean that my water is hard? what do you think the problem is?

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Post by jwarper »

I would get a water test kit to test the ph of the water. Most shrimp will be affected by water quality if it changes over time. How long have you had the shrimp for, and what kind are they?
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Location: San Diego, CA

Post by Shroitaka »

I think i know what the problem is already and i am fixing it right now. What happened was that i bought some CO2 powder for my plants. I added it about 2 weeks ago. one is CO2 and the other one is a stabilizer. I think it is the stabilizer that affected their moult, because it keeps the CO2 at a certain level. It makes everything still (that is what caused the particles in the water not to raise or sink, so basicly they stayed in midwater), that i mention in my previous post. I have a ten gallons tank. Currently I am changing out a gallon of water every day.

had 7 green (now 4), 5 pearl (now 4), 14 cherry red (now 12), 2 wood shrimps, 3 hawaiian (now 1), 1 butterfly loach and 12 gammarus.

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Post by German »

Look at the O2
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Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:27 pm

Post by anakin »

:smt024 Hi Shroitaka,

I'm keeping a tankful of shrimps too and from my experience with shrimps, they don't usually go well with chemical additives into water. I would recommend that perhaps you would like to invest in a CO2 canister-solenoid system for your planted tank. It cost more, yes, but then you can control the amount of CO2 injected into your tank.

For your info, I'm so careful about chemicals that I collect water from my office's water cooler (they have diatomic filters installed) and add a very small amount of water conditioner and I age the water for 2 days before using it to top up my tank. But of course I can afford to do this because my tank's only 1.5ft.

Hope this helps! :-D