Atyopsis moluccensis? (Bamboo shrimp, Asian Filter Shrimp)

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Atyopsis moluccensis? (Bamboo shrimp, Asian Filter Shrimp)

Post by Pi »

Atyopsis moluccensis? (Bamboo shrimp, Asian Filter Shrimp)

I made an impulse purchase (I know…I know…) and have since realized the dearth of shrimp information on the web (a google search found mostly recipies…)

Aside from the web site, I have been unable to find any detailed information about the upkeep of this shrimp. I've read some (and yes, I did a forum search under bamboo shrimp, wood shrimp, fan shrimp, and asian filter shrimp), but I'm not used to having such a lack of sources. Like most new aquatic acquisitions, I've been watching him carefully. But, that doesn't really help because I have no idea what I'm looking for!

He(she?) is kept with a betta male at 78 F. pH is 7.2. The betta is a very easygoing fellow. He has a few nice places to hide, though his favorite place to hang out has thus far been wrapping around the thermometer. He's fairly active, and zipped around the tank amazingly quickly when he was fist introduced (I didn't realize how fast shrimp can move!). He is 4-5 cm right now.

I'm feeding him crushed flake food at the moment. The betta is very spoiled and only eats frozen food, so I know the shrimp has the flake food all to himself. I'm concerned that the flake food isn't the best for him. Right now I'm pretty sure he has to get his food off the bottom of the tank, which is not good. But I don't know what I can feed him that he can filter. I'm concerned about overfeeding, because although I do check ammonia regularly, by the time it shows up it's already stressful. What do you all feed filter shrimp?

But, perhaps more vague, what behavior should I be looking for in the wood shrimp? I know what to expect when I'm dealing with fish, but shrimp behavior is not something I realized I would ever be analyzing. Are they active, or more sedentary? Day/night habits?

Any suggestions regarding care are welcome.
I am new with shrimp, but I don't want this fellow to suffer because of that.

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Post by GunmetalBlue »

Hi Pi and welcome to the forum!

I'm new at keeping Bamboo shrimp too, so would welcome more information and any correction. Since you asked, so far I've been juggling between flake, freeze dried shrimp and freeze dried blood worms, crushed, then stirred into the water (to keep it from floating; otherwise my lone leftover Zebra Danio would eat it all). I would think the small particles from the frozen food you are using that's being dispersed in the water can be utilized by your shrimp. They may pick up bits of algae and things we can't see too, from the water.

I've observed that after the initial settling in period, the Bamboo shrimp will find the best location to feed and face into the circulation of the water, opening their "fans" to "filter" the water. I'll see them put the fans to their mouths to eat, then spread their fan back out. I've also seen them grazing off the bottom or on plants, sort of using their fans as dusters, to feed.

As to their behavior, I would say the Bamboo shrimp are mellow, but I only have ghost shrimp to compare to (ghosts are hyper-clowns!). If I had to make a guess, an unhappy Bamboo shrimp is one that keeps his/her fans closed for long periods and is not feeding, though I suppose they might do that during certain cycles of their life other than just stress; that, I don't know. One of mine is dark brownish and it took him/her a day or two to start feeding after the trip home from the LFS. The other one (I have two), is a nice orange/reddish color and seems well-adjusted and filtered from the get-go. The brownish one has come around some and is now filtering; not sure yet if he/she will gain the orange-ish color or not.

I read one source that said when happy and well-fed, Bamboo shrimp are the orange/red color; another source stated the more dominant one will have the brighter color or that they can sort of change colors. My observation is that the orange/red one is doing better than the brown one. Would welcome anyone out there with more experience as to what is correct.

About the betta, don't have betta experience, so no comment except to say I hope your tank is large enough, and would think the Bamboo likes a fairly good circulation of water going, since that's how they feed.

What color is your Bamboo shrimp and is he/she settled in and filtering happily? Good Luck with your shrimp!

Gm Blue
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Post by Pi »

Thank you for your reply, I enjoyed reading it : )

He's still settling in, I think. I haven't seen him filter yet, but he has been having regular bowel movements-- which I like to think means he isn't too stressed out, I know fish sometimes get constipated when upset. It will be his 3rd day home from the lfs today, so he might just be getting used to a new environment. I have noticed that he seems to be slightly more active when the tank light is off.

He and the betta appear to be getting along. This is my most laid back male. I haven't seen him attacking the shrimp, and I don't think the betta is bothering him too much, because now he can even brush the shrimp with his fins and the shrimp doesn't scare and dart away. (At first, the shrimp was pretty wierded out by the betta)

Right now his coloring is light brown/tan. It hasn't changed really since I bought him, but it has only been a few days. He has the beginnings of a white stripe down his back.

His one semi-confusing habit is that when the tank lights are on he likes to scurry up to the top of the tank and perch belly up on the thermometer. The first time I saw him doing this I thought he might be injured, but it just seems to be a habit... Does he like the heat, perhaps? The tank is kept at 78 F, so I don't know why he would want it any warmer. The air up top? He doesn't seem to go up there except for when the light is on...

Right now they are in a fairly small tank (2.5 gallon). I haven't had time to upgrade. When I bought the shrimp the woman at the pet store told me he would only grow a cm more at most! Arg, one would think I would know not to trust them by now...anyway, I'm going to move them to a 5 gallon, but it might be a few weeks because I have to deal with a bunch of dorm room restriction stuff.

Thanks again,
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Post by GunmetalBlue »

Hi Pi, not filtering yet? Not to upset you but that's probably not good :( I 'm certain a lot of it has to do with the small size of your tank and am guessing there's not much current in there. I read one source that said Bamboo need at least 5 gallons per, in terms of stocking, but should live in a much larger tank (over 10 gallons) to do well. I know, I KNOW! Ever see the movie "Ring of Bright Water," where a man who lives in a city (New York?) buys an otter and the next thing you know he's moving to Scotland to provide a better home for the little munchkin? That's about the size of it; I too, currently have them in a small tank (10 gal, though fortunately it has a powerhead filtration system with good current) and will have to move to Scotland soon, so to speak :roll: .

Not sure what to make of your Bamboo's "confusing behavior" except to say I notice they like being perched on things. I don't think it's the heat, it seems you have it warm enough. I think he wants to perch or be closer to a source of water flow if you happen to have an undergravel filter, could that be it? Or perhaps the light, when first turned on scares him and he tries to "hide" under the thermometer? I've not noticed a huge difference whether the light is on or off myself, but will keep an extra eye out.

> "I'm going to move them to a 5 gallon..."

To sum up, you've probably already realized your Bamboo's current tank situation is not very optimal... You'll have to decide if you're going to be moving to Scotland too :lol: . If a 5 gallon is the best you can do, you might consider having only the shrimp in there. Meanwhile, I do hope he'll start filtering soon and can hang in there!

Here's a quick peek at "Buzzy" the brownish one, darkly backlit with all fans open. If your Bamboo is feeding, you should see that.

Gm Blue
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Post by Pi »

Thanks again.

What's really confusing about his behavior is that he is not hiding from the light...he climbs on top of the thermometer, where he is only an inch or two away from the top of the tank where the light is. He has to scrunch up pretty tightly to fit up there (when I do a water change today I think I'll move the thermometer down a bit so he has more room), so I don't think he is filtering. As soon as the light is off he pops back down and goes about his business.

He is still fairly small, which I think buys me some time, but I will be working on a larger tank as soon as possible. I hope he's okay until then :?

I'm at work right now, but when I get home I'm going to play around and see what I can do about his conditions. I also took some pictures, and I'll see if I can get them up.

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Post by Pi »

Okay. I just spent the better part of an evening setting up a new tank for the shrimp & betta. As I alluded to before, the best I can do is a 5 gallon-- dorm restrictions. But I figure that it's worth a shot and...

(ta da)
he's parked in an area with good water flow and filtering like mad.

I'm quite happy about that. :D

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Post by GunmetalBlue »

Wow, I didn't realize this was going to come about so quickly! I should have reminded you about transferring some of the old material from the old tank to the new, using water conditioner, checking temperature, etc. Hopefully you already knew some of that stuff. I did have to set up an emergency "new" tank once for my other kind of shrimp; thankfully they managed to survive it. Let's hope the same for your guy.

> "he's parked in an area with good water flow and filtering like mad."

Hehe, how cool is that? That's great news! :smt023

> "I also took some pictures, and I'll see if I can get them up."

Please do when you get the chance; was looking forward to seeing your Bamboo!

Take Care, Gm Blue
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Post by Pi »

Don't worry, I kept him in the old tank until I had the new tank set up with filter and heater. I did temperature and pH checks before I introduced them to the new tank to make sure it wouldn't be changes in those areas. I used a conditioner to neutralize chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals etc. I've done this with fish, it's the whole shrimp thing I'm so new at...

I know there is a risk in changing tanks so suddenly, but I determined that it was more of a risk stressing him out in the small environment without food. (It was certainly stressing me out)

He's filtering like crazy so I've got my fingers crossed that all will be well. :D The way he perches on the plant near the filter, it rocks him back and forth a bit, so with his fans spread out in all directions it looks like he's surfing.
