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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:35 pm
by TurtleBoyPW5
My sponges are currently coated with java moss and look awesome. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:38 pm
by starrystarstarr
Just read this post today and I will be going to wall-mart sometime this week for some sponges. Thanks to this site i've been able to learn a lot about keeping my shrimp as happy and healthy as possible.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:34 am
by Terran
A tiny update.

Lately Ive been "seeding" small Java Ferns in the center of a given sponge.

The Java Fern attaches and spreads out in a fan like fashion out of the top of the sponge.

It looks really natural and the Java Fern seems to enjoy growing into the sponge.

Its now been a very long time that I have had these sponges in my tanks with no noticeable detrimental effects...

Im going to wait till I prune the plant a bit before I take pictures....

I actually like the effect so much that I got like a bunch of little gallon jugs each with little sponges with a Java Fern growing in it. So I can put "Java Fernized Sponges" in all my aquariums.....

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:02 pm
by Aquaman
Interesting technique.......I'm eagerly awaiting your photos.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:14 pm
by RCSGuy
Hmm, that is a really cool idea! Can't wait to see those pictures :D