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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:25 pm
by Mustafa
badflash wrote: Who is "we"? I want a blue shrimp and a blue cray.

Color enhancing food is standard in tropical fish. I see it as no different than giving your dog something to make his coat nice & shiney.
Alright, alright...I should not have said "we." ;) Let me re-phrase, *I* don't like to see animals that take on unnatural colors due to color food. There is a difference between color-enhancing and color changing foods, too. Color enhancing is fine, in my opinion, but color changing is just a tad bit "weird" to may or may not agree. It's like feeding your white dog a certain food and it turns red...

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:14 pm
by beckypyyeung
Let me answer the question put forward by a shrimp friend days ago.

According to the author, the baby cherries in the ponds eat floating "eel powder" whist the adults eat sinking nutritious food. Both types are dry food. The author only mentions that nutritious food rich in vitamins is a key to success. They make dry food with a blender by themselves. So they use homemade food.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:07 pm
by Neonshrimp
According to the author, the baby cherries in the ponds eat floating "eel powder" whist the adults eat sinking nutritious food. Both types are dry food
This still sounds mysterious and cryptic but I guys some trade secrets need to remain that way.

Thanks for sharing, it is still interestng :)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:32 am
by badflash
Most of the tade info says the food is made from eggs, rise bran, and various other things that are cheap and available.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:30 am
by Neonshrimp
There are currently many homemade biscuits and cookies being made by hobbyist out there :? . I hope they are able to approximate most of the ingredients to provide healthy and good looking shrimp :D

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:52 am
by beckypyyeung
It's me again :)

I've read a few more chapters. A lot of crystal red keepers of Taiwan suggest micro-organism powder (made in Japan, the packing is in silver) for babies. They say that it can greatly enhance their survival rate.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:13 pm
by beckypyyeung
Something more :

Some Taiwan CRS keepers focus on reproduction (reproduce as many as possible) whilst some of them focus on creating top-standard CRS.

(1) Most of them suggest the use of 'Mung Tok' stones. I don't know what it is exactly in English. I can only translate the sound. The stones are not big, white in colour. They said the effect was wonderful.

(2) Some of them said we should give CRS boiled spinach just once a week instead of every day, otherwise, the white parts of the shrimps will become yellow.