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Kordon Ich-Attack - safe with shrimp? urgent!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:55 pm
by pwrflpills
Hi all,
Unfortunately this morning I noticed 2-3 specs of ich on my two Blue Rams. I immediately treated for ich with Kordon Ich-Attack, which says that it is 100% organic and safe for any fresh or salt water tank including planted.

I just got my shipment of 10 red cherry shrimp this afternoon and I'm worried that the Ich-Attach might not be good for them. As the bottle and many sites on the internet have said, it's natural, organic and safe, but nothing specifically mentions invertebrates or shrimp even more specifically.

Has anyone had any experience with this or know the answer to this problem? It does not have any copper.


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:14 pm
by TKD
Hi pwrflpills,

If your medication does not kill the shrimp.... the Rams will.


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:53 pm
by stuhrike
lol what a twisted fate...ich or rams?

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:11 am
by pwrflpills
Are you freaking serious? Great...

I put them in my hanging breeder tank so everything would get used to their presence (or lack thereof) and scent. Of course the male ram went right up to the tank and stared at it.

My strategy will be to let them out on the heaviest planted/driftwood area with the lights out at night. I put a big hair algae in their tank and while some attacked it, it's still there...guess they won't be doing much damage to the problem I bought them to help control... :smt011 ...before they're eaten. :smt076 :smt071

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:22 am
by YuccaPatrol
Is it possible for you to start a shrimp-only tank?

I am new to this, with only a week experience keeping them, but I have been feeding my shrimp by placing algae covered decorations from other tanks into my shrimp tank. I have about 40 shrimp but most of them are very small, with only about 10 adult size.

A rock as big as a baseball covered in brown algae will be completely picked clean after half a day.

If you start a shrimp tank, you can have your algae eating shrimp and prevent them becoming very expensive feeders. You can do it really cheap too. Get a 5 or 10 gallon tank for $10, a little sponge filter and use gravel from your established tank to help jump-start a cycle.

Here is an animation I saw on another site that shows them cleaning a piece of algae covered coral:


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:17 am
by leto3113
Very cool animation! Thanks for sharing.