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A few pics of my Crays and their tank

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:26 pm
by dismalorb
The crays shown here are all from Mustafa. They're fat, happy, and in a 20 gallon long tank. Here's a few photos:


Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:39 pm
by Neonshrimp
Nice tank, with plenty of places to hide :) What do you feed them to keep them fat?

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:11 pm
by dismalorb
Neonshrimp wrote:Nice tank, with plenty of places to hide :) What do you feed them to keep them fat?
Thank you very much! I may even add some more caves and stuff like that, I just gotta find a LFS that has more little clay jars.

They actually get a mixture of stuff. Tiny carnivore wafers from Hikari, bloodworms, and HBH Crab and Lobster bites (includes calcium). I threw in a few algae wafers recently and they seem to like those also.

Feeding them food with calcium has worked well for me so far. Every molt for the last 3 months has been successful.

A few pics with a ruler

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:17 pm
by dismalorb


Hey Mustafa, feel free to use any images you'd like. Just give proper credit if you do. ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:05 pm
by Newjohn

Nice set-up for your Crayfish.

How many Crayfish do you have in the tank ?


Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:08 pm
by dismalorb
Newjohn wrote:dismalorb

Nice set-up for your Crayfish.

How many Crayfish do you have in the tank ?


Hey John, I probably have somewhere around 15+ in there right now, and then another 15 are arriving on Wednesday.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:32 pm
by Newjohn
This Hobby is addicting.


Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:35 pm
by dismalorb
Newjohn wrote:This Hobby is addicting.

Oh totally! I know I'm havin' a blast with it, and am definitely addicted.

It'd be really great it someone discovered a red shufeldtii. Those would be adorable.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:42 pm
by Newjohn
The Hobby is still young, and anything is possible.

Give it time, and you may , see Albino, or maybe Red.

Do You Keep anyother Inverts. Besides the Dwarf Cajuns?


Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:50 pm
by dismalorb
Newjohn wrote:The Hobby is still young, and anything is possible.

Give it time, and you may , see Albino, or maybe Red.

Do You Keep anyother Inverts. Besides the Dwarf Cajuns?

I'm gonna see what I can come up with, definitely.

I do keep other inverts... Amano, Chameleon, Blue Fairy, Red Crystal, Singapore, and Ghost Shrimp, plus I have some red clawed and fiddler crabs in with my mudskippers.

How about you?

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 4:26 pm
by Newjohn
At the time of this post.
I have

Mexican Dwarf Crayfish

Wild Form-- Breeding
Oranges/Brown --Breeding
Pure Orange-- Very young, from the Oranges/Browns

Dwarf Cajuns

Wild Form--Breeding
Blue--Just Received this past week

Glass/Ghost Shrimp--Breeding, very few offspring

M. Lanchesteri or related Species--Just received them last week
Looks like a Ghost Shrimp, with more color

Neocaridina sp. "Blue'--Breeding


Red Cherry --Wont stop breeding

"Rainbow"--Breeding, very little

Green--only have a couple at this time

Amano--Trying to Breed

A Wild form--I got these with my first RCS, they look like the "Blues"

Tiger--I am getting them in this comming week

As soon as I can set up more tanks.
I want to get.

Hawaiian Reds
Sri Lanka
The wild form of the Snowball

And what ever else Mustafa has on his Varieties page.


Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:02 pm
by dismalorb
Newjohn wrote:At the time of this post.
I have

Mexican Dwarf Crayfish

That is a VERY impressive list! Wow. I'm very impressed with your collection. Ever consider C. Puer?

Do you have seperate tanks for each species? Are they all hooked into one system?

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:16 pm
by Newjohn
I have never consider C Puer.
I do not think I have ever seen them.

I know alot of "dwarf " crayfish, have been listed on the Auction sites.

I try to have I Species per tank. But, I take them when I can get them.
I will not mix species , if there is a chance of cross breeding.

I have several Drilled tanks. with a auto fill/drain set-up.

I am in the process of setting up a new Shrimp room.
It takes alittle longer with 2 little ones.

They have there own take with some Sunfish in it.
They seem to get over feed, more than go hungry.


Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:34 am
by dismalorb
Newjohn wrote:I have never consider C Puer.
I do not think I have ever seen them.

I know alot of "dwarf " crayfish, have been listed on the Auction sites.

I try to have I Species per tank. But, I take them when I can get them.
I will not mix species , if there is a chance of cross breeding.

I have several Drilled tanks. with a auto fill/drain set-up.

I am in the process of setting up a new Shrimp room.
It takes alittle longer with 2 little ones.

They have there own take with some Sunfish in it.
They seem to get over feed, more than go hungry.


I have seen the C. puer on an auction site before, but they were insanely expensive once you calculate shipping from Europe. It's amazing though that they're popular over in the EU but not here in the states, where they're native. If we had dwarf crays here in Oregon I'd probably try and breed them. ;)

Your tank set-up sounds and looks really impressive, man. I'd eventually like to do a similar thing, actually. My old office is currently just a storage room and a place for my Full Moon Entertainment collection, so there's not much use there. I'd love to turn it into an aquarium room similar to yours. ;)

I will probably seperate all species, but also try my hand at cross-breeding to see if I am capable of isolating features and coming up with some neat critters.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:44 am
by Newjohn

I will have to keep a look out on the auction sites, to see what you are talking about.

As for my set-up.
I have been in the Fish hobby for a while.
I always hated when it came to water changes. It took to long, some times made a mess.

I would rather spend my time, trying to find the different colored Shrimp/Crayfish. And sort them out.

The only hard part of the set-up in getting the tanks Drilled.
The rest of the parts, I picked up at the local Do-it-yourself store.
