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How long for cherries to hatch????

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:22 am
by CanadianCray
Ok heres the deal. I purchased some Cherry Shrimp last Sunday. They looked to be young shrimp to me but I am not experienced with them so couldn't say for sure about age. The largest was approx half an inch in size. I looked at all the shrimp VERY closely when I purchased them & for days after but didn't notice any carrying eggs. This morning when I went to look at the tank I noticed what looked like a baby shrimp walking along the algae on the side of the tank. How long do their eggs take to hatch once they appear??

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:15 am
by Mustafa
Have you tried searching the forum and reading the articles (including the FAQ) first, like the rules tell you to do? This has been discussed about a million times and it's also in the FAQ in the articles section. :?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:55 am
by CanadianCray
OK great so what you are saying is you could have answered my question with less typing than your previous reply ie (3-4 weeks)


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:43 am
by Mustafa
CanadianCray wrote:OK great so what you are saying is you could have answered my question with less typing than your previous reply ie (3-4 weeks)

I expected such an answer. :roll: What I am really saying is that you should follow the rules like everyone else, which, by the way, you just broke again (you broke Rule 6...I highly urge you, *again*, to actually read the rules). You have already broken a few rules in the past...This is your absolutely last warning. Thread closed.