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Pond for my O. Immunis

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:23 pm
by badflash
On July 3rd I started construction on my pond for my O. Immunis. These are native to NYS and so an outdoor pond is best for them. The design of the pond was a rough oval about 12' by 24' and 2' deep with no liner. The soil here is just about pure clay and there are ponds all over the area. I feel safe not using a liner. Besides, the crays would not survive a lined pond as they need to dig in for the winter.

This is the site of the future pond. I used to be a garden.

Here I am well at work digging away.

My son Jake is giving me a break here. He is almost 13 and was chomping at the bit to get at the backhoe.

Here is a close-up of him hard at work.

Here is the rough opening of the pond.

I have since leveled the bottom and added water. More pics to come.

After only 3 days a frog has already moved in! The nearest pond is over 100 yards away. If you build it, they will come!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:30 pm
by The Fisherman
Looking good!

I look forward to seeing you're progress.

I have a pond too, though I don't keep crays in it, I keep a Northern Pike! Along with schools of minnows, and the massive number of things that lives there. Its a REALLY big pond that me and my family dug out maybe 8 years ago.

We are moving soon though...On the plus side, there is already a 'natural' pond on location. A HUGE natural pond. It's big enough to go canoeing on, and is connected to several creeks.

Er, sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread.

Are you going to put any type of filtration on it?


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:43 pm
by Newjohn
Hi Badflash

Have you staked out the location of your next Pond :D

It looks like you have a little space near the Back Property line.

Extreme Invert Keeping


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:54 pm
by badflash
I don't plan on filtration. I may add a pump for circulation and a screen to keep the critters out. Plants will mostly do the cleaning. There are nice water irus native here I plant to use, along with some other native floating plants.

I have room for more ponds, we'll see when the time comes.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:37 pm
by Mustafa
Is that a blue overall and a hat your wearing? Where is your shotgun? :-D I wish I had your land....and you wish you had my climate. ;)

Here is a picture of "farmer badflash" when he first moved into his house many years ago:


Sorry for the major offtopic, but I just had to pull this one. :-D

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:56 am
by badflash
Hey! Where's you get that picture! The kids have grown now and I traded in the wife on a younger model, which is where the young fella driving the backhoe came from :-D

Shotguns are a no-no any more though, sad to say.