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what are rcs favorite plants?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:39 am
by turkeyofthesea
Hi everyone, I'm just starting my first 10g tank and would really appreciate any good suggestions for what rcs like/need in terms of plant life. I know they have been bred so finding out what plants might naturally occur where they are from isn't exactly an option. I need to replace my old hood's incandescent bulbs for some kind of all spectrum mini compact fluorescent bulbs, and aren't sure if the 10 watts (wattage i'm finding available in these types) will equal to 1 wpg or 4 wpg (since 10 watts fluorescent approx = 40 watts incandescent). I know that will impact my choices available for success. I was hoping to have hairgrass or java moss or some type of good foreground carpet, and are completely open to suggestions for some taller plants for the mid and back (as long they make my shrimp happy). Thank you!

Re: what are rcs favorite plants?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:53 am
by infopimp
I'd think some good old Java Moss would serve the bill for low lighting, non-CO2 enhanced conditions.

Re: what are rcs favorite plants?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:10 am
by Neonshrimp
Hi and welcome to PS :) I keep many types of plants in my shrimp tank but I only keep the ones that do not require ferts and will grow in the tanks lighting and water condtions. In other word I taylor my plants to my shrimp and not the other way arround.

I have found all types of moss and fissidens to do well in my tanks. They provide a great source of microfoods, structure to climb and hide in (stress reducer) and are easy to grow in the tanks. I also us Subwasertang often for the same reasons and also it looks really cool :-D