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Mystery shrimp.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 4:17 am
by deliverme314
Sorry I dont have a pic but I will try to describe it.

My lfs had three for 2.99 each so I decided to scoop them up. They had them marked as "green algae eating shrimp"

They are the same size and shape as N.deniculata and appear to be a Neo. But have a light green color and thick(relativley) white stripe going all the way down its back.

You guys know what this could be? Its deffinitley not an amano or an Palaeomonetes sp.

If you think you know what it could be try and post a pic and I will see if I cant confirm it. I will also try to steal my roomies digi to get a good pic.


Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 6:57 am
by Bradimus
Sounds like Caridina babaulti. Take a look at the Shrimp Varieties page.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 11:29 am
by deliverme314
Hmmm... quite possibly. I saw that on here. But I am not entirely convinced that that is it because my green is more dull... Maybe I will ask my lfs to order them again and see if they can get the Scientific name... but I doubt it since most suppliers dont keep them accurate...

If this is the species. To rear its young do do they require brackish conditions like C.Jarponica? Which other shrimp require this or anything above and beyond standard freshwater conditions?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 11:57 am
by Mustafa
Caridina babaulti is not always bright green. They can be dull green, dirty green, orange, bright red, yellow....with and without a stripe in the back. It's a very variable species.

You really need to provide a picture of some sort for a better identification, and even then it's not 100% without looking at the animlal (or its skin) under the microscope.

I would not rely on your dealer for identification. The dealer probably knows even less about shrimp than you do (although they like to make themselves seem knowledgeable) and the exporters and importers are clueless, too. These are not scientifically minded people. They just catch them and send them out giving them fantasy names they make up.

I have Caridina babaulti in my tanks and will be posting pictures of them soon. Then you can see the different colors they can assume.
