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Quick shrimp question.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:07 pm
by kushie
I've been trying to figure out what type of shrimp I have. From what *I* can tell, it MIGHT be a Cherry Shrimp... but the sign at the store says its a japonica. It doesn't look like the Amano shrimp. But it does't quite look like the Cherry Shrimp either. I figured i'd ask people that will know more then I do. This way, I can see that Im doing the right things for the shrimps to be happy! (I have 4)

Here's some pics. click to see larger.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Quick shrimp question.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:28 pm
by infopimp
I really don't know - its like a cherry shrimp, but largely transparent... and also the body shape seems slightly different (to me).

Could you get some good "macro" shots up close?

Re: Quick shrimp question.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:21 pm
by Mustafa
It's a very pale red cherry shrimp female. You can see its faint red coloration on the first picture.

Re: Quick shrimp question.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:36 am
by kushie
infopimp wrote:I really don't know - its like a cherry shrimp, but largely transparent... and also the body shape seems slightly different (to me).

Could you get some good "macro" shots up close?
Here's a closeup of the shrimp when I first got them. ( I had 6, now am down to four. Not sure what happened with one, the other a female picked on a little too much during the night because she's 30 days preg. and a huge jerk to anyone that gets into her "area". I realized it too late, and he died in moving him to a new tank.)


Here are two shots of two of the shimp today.


If they are in fact Cherry Shrimp, what can I do to make them more vibrant? I have plants in the tank for them to eat, and the fish get fed flakes, blood worms and brine.. and they seem to pick at them too. I have a standard Eclipse light in my Eclipse tank. Anything else I can do to help their coloring?

Re: Quick shrimp question.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:02 am
by infopimp
I guess they do look like Cherries - but stressed out.

Please post your water parameters, or take steps so you can do so...

Which Substrate
Describe Filtration



Re: Quick shrimp question.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:04 am
by kushie
infopimp wrote:I guess they do look like Cherries - but stressed out.

Please post your water parameters, or take steps so you can do so...

Which Substrate
Describe Filtration



I don't have a testing kit at the moment to use with this tank. The one we do have, we use for the salt , and I don't want to cross contaminate it. But, I recently did have a friend of my fathers, who runs our local fish store, check out the params of my water, because I've got fry, and I'm giving most of them to him... so i wanted to make sure everything was tip top for the babies. He said everything was normal. My temp is 78- 79 F and I have nothing but a few glass rocks on the bottom. The tank is full of free floating live plant and the filtration is what comes standard on an Eclipse tank. The two in the photos are new, the one I've had for awhile is a deep red almost all over, but not as deep as some of the other ones I've seen. He just likes to hang out in the Java moss, so I have a hell of a time trying to get a photo of him. The other one I've had for awhile is also pretty red. Their whole bodies aren't red though. Just most of it. Almost like they're striped.

Re: Quick shrimp question.

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:19 pm
by Neonshrimp
Nice picture of the cherry red shrimp. Some pet shops don't know what types of shrimp they have and may mislable or just fail to update their livestock id. Hope they work out well for you.