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Can you please help me indentify this shrimp.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:27 pm
by mikethegunner
Can anybody help identify this shrimp i bought. It was labelled as a "Temperate" shrimp.


Re: Can you please help me indentify this shrimp.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:12 pm
by TKD
Looks like a ghost shrimp.

Re: Can you please help me indentify this shrimp.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:39 pm
by Sean
On the one year anniversary of your question, I feel the need to suggest that while it does look like a ghost shrimp, that is because it is an immature blue clawed whisker shrimp. The only thing that gives me pause here is that I don't see pincers. My ghost shrimp have nothing you'd be tempted to describe as such, but whiskers do.

Of course by now your shrimp probably looks like a ghosty on 'roids.

Do Over! Called it. (Actually an edit 24 hours later than what is above.) I agree it's a ghost. My adult ghost shrimp have been coy lately, hiding out in the heavily planted back of my tank so all I have been seeing this last week or two close up are the seven or so baby ghost shrimp resently hatched in my tank. The babies do not resemble that pic at all in terms of their very interesting markings. My little ones tend to resemble Lenny, their reputed father: short antennae have strong red bands at the base and white further up, white stripes on the back (more of a band or two), and distinct red dots on the corners of their tails. They also flick their short antennae back quite often ... just like their father, and not like any of my other adults.

So to recap, I lost my frame of reference for a while, and now that one of my adults is walking about at the front of the tank, I see the resemblance, markings-wise.

The pic is Lenny on some red cabomba. It was taken with an iPhone.