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Troubled with dying shrimp

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:59 am
by mondrin
I'm new to this site and am hoping some shrimp experts may be able to solve my current mystery. I've had my planted community tank for a year and a half. I got interested in shrimp about a year ago and started with red cherry's. I've had trouble keeping more than a few alive for more than a month. My latest foray into shrimp was a month ago where I had 2 cherry's and decided to try a few other types. I got 3 Amano, 2 blueberry and 1 Singapore. Added 2 more blueberry a few days later when they got more in. The blueberry started dying off after a few days and were all dead in 3 weeks. Lost 1 cherry and 1 Amano during that time as well. Found a LFS with cheap ghost shrimp and decided to try those to help figure out where my problem is in this tank. All 3 LFS's I've talked to have no idea what is wrong. 6 Ghost shrimp (4 female with eggs) were added a week ago and I'm down to 2 already. all 4 females died.

My tank: 16 gallon bowfront with aqueon filter hanging off back (no very conducive to baby shrimp, I know). Standard light fixture that is on 10 hours a day. Standard gravel substrate.
Tank mates: 8 glofish, 2 of which will be heading toward my dad's tank shortly, 2 neon tetra, 1 black phantom tetra (soon to be sent elsewhere) and 1 nerite snail
Plants: various Anubias, java moss, java fern, amazon swords, wysteria, val, crypt, moss ball, one plant who's name I have forgotten, one piece of wood and a few rocks.
Just did my 2 week water change last night. Water parameters before the change were:
PH-7.2 (tap is 7.1 or 7.2)
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - possibly above 0 but less than .25. After water change and removing last dead shrimp it's back to 0.
Nitrate - 10ppm
Phosphate - .25ppm
Kh - 3
Gh- 3-4 (tap water is soft)
iron - 0

My nitrates stay low so I dose with Pro Plant at least once a week to help the plants. I dose with seacham iron once a week as the plants devour it. I dose with Excel Flourish every few days as my carbon (I don't use CO2).

My one LFS thought perhaps the shrimp were not getting enough food or the right balance of food as wasn't feeding them specifically. I feed the fish flake food and the tank currently has some green spot algae, diatoms and what I call black spot algae (LFS's have not been able to ID it). I got a sinking shrimp food but the glofish tend to eat most of it, no matter when I put it in. I have noticed that since adding this new food the Amano shrimp have developed some nice colored spots on their shells which is quite attractive.

I'd love any advice or information from folks in hopes that I can get my tank to a point where it will support Cherry Shrimp again.


Re: Troubled with dying shrimp

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:04 pm
by Newjohn
Hello mondrin
My one LFS thought perhaps the shrimp were not getting enough food or the right balance of food as wasn't feeding them specifically.
I've had my planted community tank for a year and a half
If your tank has been running for 1 1/2 years, there will be enough Bio-Film for Shrimp to eat without feeding the tank.
My nitrates stay low so I dose with Pro Plant at least once a week to help the plants. I dose with seacham iron once a week as the plants devour it. I dose with Excel Flourish every few days as my carbon
The above can/will lead to Shrimp Deaths.

There was a recent Thread about the same/similar Problem that Mustafa addressed/commented on.
Sorry, I could not find it. I will try and find it.