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Vampire shrimp vs RCS

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:07 pm
by sk00ts
So I once had a thriving shrimp tank, with RCS, yellow shrimp, bumble bee shrimp and a couple of others. Including Vampire shrimp. All was good for a nice long while, then all my shrimp disappeared over about a 2 week period. No trace of them at all. Soon I was down to about 4 RCS and the 2 vampire shrimp. Bought 20 more RCS and about a month later pretty much all gone. I don't think the vampire shrimp ate them, my water parameters are good.

Anyways, bought an established tank from a guy. About a colony of 30 RCS or more. Nice berried ones. Now, should I introduce the Vampire shrimp into the new tank? or not risk it and leave them in the old tank? Also, should I transfer the one or 2 RCS that are left in the old tank?

Thanks in advance

Re: Vampire shrimp vs RCS

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:37 pm
by Mustafa
Vampire shrimp don't eat anything but floating particles and microscopic organisms. So, no danger in introducing them. Your tank just lost its cycle...that can happen easily in shrimp tanks.