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The Most COLORFUL AND BEAUTIFUL Freshwater Shrimp of all!

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:52 pm
by scampi
Hi, i am new here and would like your help to find the most colorful freshwater "pet" shrimp to keep. i have kept many SW shrimp years ago, like cleaners and bloods, but need something easier to take care of than when i had saltwater. i had ghost shrimp before, but they were soo boring. (i.m.o.h.o) :roll:

i saw some pics of various species, but would like to know your opinions based on your experience seeing different shrimp in person, which is the prettiest you ever saw?

thanks in advance


Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:07 pm
by beckypyyeung
About your question, I think it's something perfectly subjective. My favorite species is Tiger Shrimp. As far as I know and what's easily available in fish shops, both Cherry and Crystal Red are colorful.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:30 pm
by rclover
cyrstal red.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:59 pm
by kimco
My preference goes to Cherry,Chrytal & tiger, but my fav is still CRS



Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:03 am
by gnome
If you want colors, maybe try "rainbow" shrimp. Once comfortable in your tank, they'll turn all sorts of colors. They're relatively cheap, too.


Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:21 am
by jonathan03
Your question is definately highly opinionated. Just like asking which is better, ford or chevy? :-p That question can start a riot.....

Anyway, I think most people like the cherry reds. Its really up to what you like though. If you hate the color red, then you might consider something else ;-) All the shrimp look the same in real life as in the picutres :-] You might also use google to find a few more picutres that have different angles and zooms.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:18 am
by beckypyyeung
I've heard people of local fish shops say that rainbow shrimps are beautiful, but I've never seen one.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:58 pm
by scampi
WOW yeah it seems like alot of people like the Reds... and the Rainbows!

the rainbows sounds enticing! i am in NY -- haven't seen any FW shrimp at all

:( i'd as for where to find them mail order (i want to buy in bulk for multiple small tanks i am setting up in my basement this weekend with "freshwater live rock", but i don't want to mess with mustafa's business here. my email is ---> <---- email me if you know where to get mail order. otherwise i will wait for mustafa's return and see what he has, though it says he has nothing available. :(

thanks in advance!


Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:20 pm
by rclover
There are ninja shrimps in NY I have seen them in china town, I love those too.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:03 pm
by jonathan03
rclover wrote:There are ninja shrimps in NY I have seen them in china town, I love those too.
Hmm ninjas in china town :-p

Its hard to go wrong with just about any shrimp you choose.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:36 am
by chlorophyll
They're not exactly shrimp, but consider using one of those tanks for a crayfish or two (mustn't overcrowd), if you don't want boring animals. Much better if you can get the crayfish when they are still under 2 inches. Given lots of rocks, they are quite interesting and active. They're unique in that they cannot swim in a controlled manner, so they generally only crawl and climb. When they become use to the tank and the lighting, they willl come out more often and you may see them tending to climb the highest rocks in the tank. If you lower the water level to where they can reach the surface by climbing, they'll come up to feed on any floating food/plant matter, and come up at odd times to claw at the surface in their endless search for food. I've never tried it, but it may well be possible to train one to regularly come completely (or near that) onto a land area to grab feedings (especially if it's some savory meat item). They have great sense of smell and if you drop food pellet in an odd place they will begin to excitedly crawl around looking for it, and usually find it quickly. An airstone may occasionally attract them to 'play' with the bubbles. They eat almost all plants, which is one reason why more people don't keep them. But at least if you go on a trip, you can just throw a bunch of live plants in and they'll live on it for awhile. Very easy keeping animals. Will climb anything you give them, which is part of the fun, but make sure there is a well-fitted secure tank lid. In an ordinary silicone sealed tank, some may even climb up the sealant in the corners of the tank when you're not looking.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:27 am
by Veneer
I wouldn't just go by general consensus- personally look through the following sites to see what species intrigue you:

(Be sure to view all seven pages).

See "Garnelen" and "Großarmgarnelen" (the latter are Macrobrachium).

"Algae-Eating", "Long-Arm", "Fan", and "Ghost" (that is, assorted Palaemonids [not restricted to standard North American feeders]) Shrimp (be aware that the taxonomy is somewhat vague).

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:22 pm
by Jackie
chlorophyll wrote:They eat almost all plants, which is one reason why more people don't keep them.
My Cherax destructor doesn't eat plants, but he DOES destroy them :D

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:58 am
by chlorophyll
Cherax destructor has to be one of the coolest scientific names ever! :o

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:18 am
by retardo
i have several kinds of shrimp: amano (yamato ebi), tiger, bumblebees (newly acquired), malayan (rainbow?) and one other type that i've been unable to identify. they all grew on me, even when at first i tho't they were quite ugly. i suspect it's true for many others out there as well.