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how can i encourage molting?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 5:44 pm
by Cajunspice
my adults shrimps haven't molt ever since they laid eggs. Is there a way to encourage it?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 6:02 pm
by Pi
Someone more experienced than me can probably say, but my guess is that just feeding them adequately and keeping them in good water conditions encourages growth.

Is there a reason you want them to molt?
And exactly how long has it been?


Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 9:24 pm
by Cajunspice
hmm it has been a month and a half since they've molted. I would see it since they're in a 10 gallon tank. yeaaa... my reason is that i want them to breed. This forum told me that the shrimps usually get pregnant after molting. I do feed them adequately with water changes weekly. The first batch of baby shrimps have grown to half an inch! :D


Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:43 am
by buffguynumberone
If you add some liquid calcium it will encourage moulting & strengthen their shells. It is also good for your plants & snails. I add 1 drop to my water once a week.


Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:00 pm
by JaVaGiRl
Calcium is good for proper shell growth, but will not help with moulting.
You need to buy some Iodine. I use Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine, it's usually by the saltwater stuff in your local pet store. Usually costs about $8.99, for 8 oz. Good luck ! Its also safe for all fishes.

Re: .........

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:42 pm
by fugly
JaVaGiRl wrote:Calcium is good for proper shell growth, but will not help with moulting.
You need to buy some Iodine. I use Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine, it's usually by the saltwater stuff in your local pet store. Usually costs about $8.99, for 8 oz. Good luck ! Its also safe for all fishes.
Calcium *is* required for molting. That is what shrimp shells are made of. No calcium source=weak shells. You don't need a calcium supplement though. Shrimp will usually find it in their food, esp fish foods.


Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 5:12 pm
by JaVaGiRl
Wow, isn't that what I basically said ? HmMm. Echo, Echo, Echo ?

Re: WoW

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 5:53 pm
by Veneer
JaVaGiRl wrote:Wow, isn't that what I basically said ? HmMm. Echo, Echo, Echo ?
Not really - in noting that the success of a molt is intrinsically linked to calcium availability, fugly refuted your assertion.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:09 am
by blenny
There is a product that can induce moulting. But I would;t encourage anyone to induce moluting

Re: .........

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:11 am
by blenny
JaVaGiRl wrote:Calcium is good for proper shell growth, but will not help with moulting.
You need to buy some Iodine. I use Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine, it's usually by the saltwater stuff in your local pet store. Usually costs about $8.99, for 8 oz. Good luck ! Its also safe for all fishes.
Mustafa said shrimps do not need Iodine in water, I wonder if the Kent Iodine is for feeding?

Re: .........

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 8:10 am
by Veneer
blenny wrote:
JaVaGiRl wrote:Calcium is good for proper shell growth, but will not help with moulting.
You need to buy some Iodine. I use Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine, it's usually by the saltwater stuff in your local pet store. Usually costs about $8.99, for 8 oz. Good luck ! Its also safe for all fishes.
Mustafa said shrimps do not need Iodine in water, I wonder if the Kent Iodine is for feeding?
It is a (marine-oriented) water supplement and thus, by this line of logic (based about the absence of empirical substantiation of the utility of such additives), useless.


Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 4:36 pm
by JaVaGiRl
Iodine is used for proper shell development in BOTH saltwater and freshwater crustations. :)


Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 4:42 pm
by JaVaGiRl
Robyn's Crustacean Page This page is about shrimp, crayfish, and crabs for aquariums and ponds. ... usually safe for shrimp. Many shrimp keepers believe that iodine is essential to help freshwater shrimp complete their ... In tanks with low iodine, molting shrimp turn white and die ...

I found this when I browsed for more info on the web, so I copied and pasted this.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 8:30 pm
by Mustafa
Javagirl, I have already said this many times so I won't comment on it much. Please do yourself a favor and search this forum about what has already been said on this topic. All that other stuff you find on different pages is just the same misinformation copied over and over again. Bottom line: You definitely do not need to add Iodine into your water...period! I have no idea why this total nonsense keeps hanging around for so long...and I also have no idea why my experiences and research with shrimp is simply ignored in favor of a totally unscientific and illogical misconception. Anyone who can think logically will realize sooner or later that Iodine supplements are not needed for shrimp (and I include saltwater shrimp here, too). Copying and pasting the same misconception from different webpages does nobody a favor. By the way, as great as it was of Robyn back in the dark ages to write something at all about shrimp, the information on that site is highly unreliable and still quite erroneous.

Again, I have said what can possibly be said about this topic and won't go into this once again. It's all in this forum for the searching. 'Nuff said.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 10:36 pm
by Cajunspice
you should put these kind of info on a sticky note mustafa :wink: