Snowball shrimp line going across the back

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Snowball shrimp line going across the back

Post by Snowball »


Received a few Snowball shrimp as a gift and one died had a red stripe going across the back (looked like blood or something). I had these shrimp for about 5 days. Anything I should be concerned about or was it just a random casualty?

These shrimp were sent to me by a friend from Europe so they were traveling for 5 days. Other shrimp are doing great and some females are even carrying eggs.

Any suggestions? This was a new tank so it was only up and running for a week or so but I did use old gravel from an established tank and I made sure to put alot of fish MULM in there as well.

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Post by Shrimp&Snails »

I would check for nitrIte, ammonia and nitrAte.

Water from an established tank doesn't hold too many good bio bugs.....a piece of sponge from an established filter would have been better.

Perhaps you lost the shrimp due to the stress of shipping but I would test your water just in case.

Good luck. :)
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Post by Snowball »

Here are the they look OK? I don't think my tank is fully cycled yet....? This is solely a shrimp tank so no ferts are added.

Each test was done three times to eliminate error and the final value is the average:

GH (tank) – 12, 12, 12 = 12
pH – 7.2, 7.2, 7.2 = 7.2
Ammonia –.25, .5, .25 = 0.33
Nitrate – 10, 10, 10 = 10
Nitrite – 0, 0, 0 = 0

Here is the GH of the tap water but I add Seachem Equilibrium to bring up the GH a bit
GH (tap) – 8, 8, 9 = 8.33
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Post by fishcrazee »

It's bad to have ANY ammonia. Shrimp are especially sensitive. You may want to add some plants to see if they will absorb some ammonia to keep it down. Make sure all tanks are COMPLETELY cycled before adding any invertabrates