is it possible to have a perfectly balanced system?

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is it possible to have a perfectly balanced system?

Post by mithrius »

Hello everyone! I am new to this forum.
I currently own a 1 gallon 'bubble' tank which i have been attempting to keep cherry red shrimps in.
The tank consists of 2 shrimps (it use to be 4..), 2 or 3 small tiny snails that hitched a ride on the plants, a java fern, some floating peacock moss, darker gravel at the bottom, a small bubbler, a small hydor heater and an ikea halogen light above it.

Being new to this, i have a few questions i havnt been able to find on the interweb.

is it possible to have the tank near to perfect stabalized? like.. enough plants in there that it eats all the amonia, not too many shrimps that they dont produce too much waste. enough alge they can eat and not have to be fed. should there be something eating the waste, like perhaps a snail?

oh! AND in my tank there are these tiny squigly worms on the glass! they just wriggle around, and sometimes i see them free floating. i THINK these are ok, just a sign of me over feeding... but i also saw a shrimp eat one!! is that ok? or will he have a worm in its belly like those crystal shrimps i saw?
there are also these two little dots.. that MOVE! they are about the size of a pin head, maybe a bit bigger.. i cant figure out what they are either.. i'll inc a pic of those... maybe someone will recognize them..

i'll inc a picture of my entire tank setup, any feedback or suggestions for improvement would be welcome! :) thanks in advance for your help! everyone seems so friendly.. i like it.
maybe shrimp ppl are just more amiable then.. say.. lizard ppl? hahaha.. jk
weird crawly things....
weird crawly things....
weirdaquairumthings.jpg (46.71 KiB) Viewed 1562 times
my whole tank layout! it is a 1 gallon bubble tank
my whole tank layout! it is a 1 gallon bubble tank
aquairumgreen.jpg (56.93 KiB) Viewed 1563 times
Last edited by mithrius on Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: is it possible to have a perfectly balanced system?

Post by TKD »

I have thoes "dots" too. They are fresh water limpets.
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Re: is it possible to have a perfectly balanced system?

Post by mithrius »

will their multiply? haha.. they are kind of cute.
they look like weird snails.
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Re: is it possible to have a perfectly balanced system?

Post by TKD »

Oh ya, just as mutch as the pond snails...
I'm not sure, but there seem to be less of them when I put an assasin snail in the same tank, so they seem to eat them as well.
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Re: is it possible to have a perfectly balanced system?

Post by mithrius »

i'll have to keep an eye out for them. thanks for heads up! :)