Help! White fuzzy or cloudy stuff on decorations and shrimp

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Help! White fuzzy or cloudy stuff on decorations and shrimp

Post by Shrimp_Man »


Three shrimps have died so far... two CRS and one rainbow shrimp... the cause of dead, I'm still not sure.

But I have these cloudy looking white stuff stuck on my decorations and some shrimps have it on their body....

The ones that are stuck on the decorations seems like glue.. cuz its stuck with their poop and some of the sand I have.

Anyone have a clue what this white stuff is and if it affects the rest of my shrimps?

I took out the dead ones and put it in a jar.. it has this white cloudy stuff around it (just like the ones in the tank.. but not sure if its the same) and its eating the shrimp.. or the shrimp is slowly disintegrated.

Any help would be great

invert phil
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:58 pm

Re: Help! White fuzzy or cloudy stuff on decorations and sh

Post by invert phil »

Sounds like it could be fungus or a bacterial infection.

To work out what is causing the shrimp to die in your tank I need to ask a few questions about your tank. How long has it been set up for? What size is it? What are your water parameters; temp, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?