Hey guys I'm about to get the last of my items to get my opea ula tank setup and make a tank build thread but I cannot see an option to buy the macroalga from the store here to be sent over seas.
http://www.petshrimp.com/store/index.ph ... ucts_id=19
I don't mind paying for fast shipping like 2 - 3 days to get it here alive, but I cannot seem to get in touch with Mustafa via the website
No where in the UK has any that will do well in brackish water and the sellers that do have some plants said it should survive what they can sell to me but they haven't tried their plants in brackish water and won't give me a clear answer.
Could anyone advise me? Regards.
I'm in the UK how can I buy mustafas macro alga?
Moderator: Mustafa
Re: I'm in the UK how can I buy mustafas macro alga?
A friend tried simply to put a huge ball of chaetomorpha and some pieces survived and now are growing like crazy.
Re: I'm in the UK how can I buy mustafas macro alga?
I'm still struggling to find anything that will go Into my tank anyone in the UK got any macroalgae for sale to start me off?
Re: I'm in the UK how can I buy mustafas macro alga?
You can find some chaetomorpha in a reef forum
Re: I'm in the UK how can I buy mustafas macro alga?
Stalker wrote:You can find some chaetomorpha in a reef forum
Thanks just bought some from eBay, hope it will be OK on 1.016sg as apposed to 1.020+ like it marine tanks