Crystal Red Shrimp, and Grade

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Tiny Shrimp
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Post by tapmxt1 »

Let's talk about shrimps.

Can anyone share their experience with CRS keeping in the water with high PH?

I went though many Japanese website and look like their water is below PH 7.0 (6.4 - 6.8). My local water is PH 7.6-7.8. What's the bad side effect to CRS with high PH? lossing white bands, lossing red bands, or what else?

I know I can get the bottle of chemical from PetsMart or PetCO to lower down the PH. But then with each water change or adding water, I need to re-adjust PH. Need to adjust PH - that means I may cause PH swing in a short period of time if I fail to do it very carefully. With angelfish, a PH 0.5 swing will definitely cause serious problem. What about shrimps? (both CRS and cherry red shrimps)

Also I have placed a few pieces of cuttlebones in the tanks which are supposed to buffer PH and KH. So my guess is the chemical will not function to lower down the PH unless I remove the cuttlebone pieces. Am I correct?
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Post by shalu »

Do not mess with ph using chemicals.
I keep crystal reds in water with 7.5-8.0 ph. It is a heavily planted tank with no CO2 supplement, so the ph can go pretty high during photoperiod. Crystal reds breed happily in the tank. So do cherry reds and bumble bees. I do use RO water to soften the water, I think it might increase hatch rate.
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Post by shalu »

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Post by Jackie »

shalu wrote:Do not mess with ph using chemicals.
I keep crystal reds in water with 7.5-8.0 ph. It is a heavily planted tank with no CO2 supplement, so the ph can go pretty high during photoperiod. Crystal reds breed happily in the tank. So do cherry reds and bumble bees. I do use RO water to soften the water, I think it might increase hatch rate.
How much babies did you get while keeping the shrimp in water of such high pH?
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Post by shalu »

I was counting roughly 15-20 eggs right before hatching. I was finding fewer hatched shrimplets than expected, then I found the Neon tetras eating the shrimplets! So I removed the neons and the tank is now shrimp only. I had 3 females giving birth over the last several weeks, about a dozen shrimplets survived the neon tetras, I think I lost at least 2/3 to those bastards.
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Post by blenny »

I keep my CRS at about 6.6 to 7.0, I found at this PH the color is the best, like this one. :)
