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Re: New Orange shrimp purchase

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:45 pm
by Mustafa
behhl wrote: The grapevine in Malaysia says that these were reputedly first available from Celebes ... but now are tank bred coming from Indonesian by the bucketload. There has been at least one person here in Malaysia who has bred them but he is keeping mum on how.
That's interesting information. I also heard about an orange shrimp from Sulawesi (Celebes). The problem is not that we can't breed this shrimp. The problem is that there are almost never any males in the shipments of these shrimp from Indonesia. I found a male before but it died before it could be of much use. It did fertilize a female and the eggs are very, very small. The female was not in a good shape when I bought her (these guys tend to arrive in pretty bad shape) so she died shortly after, too. Usually small eggs means that the larvae need saltwater. However, it may be that the larvae only need very low salinity water, similar to the rednose shrimp. There are also cases of Atyid shrimp that have many small eggs and larvae but the larvae develop completely in freshwater. Time will tell how these shrimp breed, but the moment I have access to some more males I'll conduct some breeding experiments. I don't understand the secrecy of the Malaysian breeders (if in fact their claims are true). These shrimp are being sold for dirt cheap in the wholesale market right now. It's not like some small breeder could earn a fortune selling a few of these shrimp....

Re: New Orange shrimp purchase

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:04 am
by behhl
Mustafa wrote: That's interesting information. I also heard about an orange shrimp from Sulawesi (Celebes). The problem is not that we can't breed this shrimp. The problem is that there are almost never any males in the shipments of these shrimp from Indonesia. I found a male before but it died before it could be of much use. It did fertilize a female and the eggs are very, very small. The female was not in a good shape when I bought her (these guys tend to arrive in pretty bad shape) so she died shortly after, too. Usually small eggs means that the larvae need saltwater. However, it may be that the larvae only need very low salinity water, similar to the rednose shrimp. There are also cases of Atyid shrimp that have many small eggs and larvae but the larvae develop completely in freshwater. Time will tell how these shrimp breed, but the moment I have access to some more males I'll conduct some breeding experiments. I don't understand the secrecy of the Malaysian breeders (if in fact their claims are true). These shrimp are being sold for dirt cheap in the wholesale market right now. It's not like some small breeder could earn a fortune selling a few of these shrimp....
I myself do not understand such behaviour - I don't believe its a matter of money on their part - as you say they are now easily available (at prices like USD $0.60 each) here - they just feel that they did not want to share this 'self learned knowledge' FOC.

I've seen this orange shrimp in all the major local LFS but did not note if they are all females. If I found a group of males I wish I could send it to you but I don't think they will make the journey.

Re: New Orange shrimp purchase

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:22 am
by sstimac
These shrimp have been readily available in my area for awhile now. They cost $2.50 each, not a really bad price. Of the ones that I have seen they appear to be in very good health. I used to work at the store that carries them and they have reported fewer losses per capita than amano shrimp. I have been observing them for several weeks now and I believe there are two males in the batch of several dozen, but I cannot be sure. I had a tank ready for some but against them as I cannot at this time provide a brackish environment for larvae, if in fact that is what they need. And because the tank was empty for so long my wife has adopted it. So for now I'll have to wait. I will also talk to the LFS employees that replaced me to see if they have noticed any breeding behaviour.

A few days ago there were about six females that were saddled. If I see eggs I will buy the berried females, at least one and report back on the progress. I have a tank that has been producing P. paludosis since last fall. I will put her in there as I know there is plenty of food for very small larvae.

Re: New Orange shrimp purchase

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:05 am
by Neonshrimp
A few days ago there were about six females that were saddled. If I see eggs I will buy the berried females, at least one and report back on the progress. I have a tank that has been producing P. paludosis since last fall. I will put her in there as I know there is plenty of food for very small larvae.
Interesting, I would like to hear more as it progresses. Thanks for sharing the information.

Re: New Orange shrimp purchase

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:48 pm
by auptimus
I am awakening an old thread.
I saw these orange shrimps you posted in my LFS in Israel. The store owner told me he does not really know the species but they got them and since then his son keeps them at home and they breed and they sell them in the store. I have every reason to believe him, as he has always been very honest with me, and many times kept me from buying expensive things, he also has such a good reputation in the Israeli forums that he would not lie about something so small definitely. They sell for an equivalent of 3 dollars here. He told me they are born white and turn orange within 3 molts normally.
I am tempted to take them, but as I do not know the species, I do not know where I can put them in order to avoid hybrids.

I must mention that one feature which is very strong, except for the size which is a little bigger than cherries, is their curved back, it seems like someone "broke" their back in the middle. I wish I took photos.