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Pinky is dead

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:42 pm
by DatDamWuf
:cry: my pink vampire shrimp died today. He's the one that was very weak after moulting over a week ago, he seemed fine lately so I was surprised. Meanwhile the asian filter feeder I got from Petsmart moulted a week ago and is very active and the other vamp is fine.

I'm getting worried about my aqua vamp that is due to moult any time now. The tank is soft but parameters are OK for these shrimp. I think it is simply that no matter how well I keep to the water changes this Seaclear has lousy filtration. I am getting a smell when I do water changes now so I know the tank is simply too foul for the shrimp! I shone a flashlight on the back filtration and I can see that detritus is going past the filter to the bioballs and is polluting the tank, pissing me off.

Dam this knee surgery! I need to move these guys! Sorry, needed to vent!