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Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:43 am
by Fuzzy
Hello from sunny Singapore!
I've kept and bred fish for several years (Guppies, Killifish, Koi, Cichlids) but stopped for a few years due to work schedule.

I just recently discovered pet shrimp and will be starting with Cherry Red Shrimps. When I'm more confident I intend to move on to Red Crystal Shrimp and/or Opa Ulae.

My setup is not very big at the moment, I have a 11 Gallon tank but its taller than its wide, and running on 2x 8w Flourescents (white)
Its a powerhead which is 1000 liters per hour.

I won't be putting in any shimp till the tank has cycled for a least a week, but I've planted some vegetation,
Java Moss on a half coconut husk, a Marimo ball, Windelov Ferns on driftwood, little Christmas moss and I want to try to create a thin carpet of Fissidens splachnobryoides.

I'll post pics when everything is happy and I get the shrimp in!

Oh if any fellow shrimpkeepers in Singapore are members of this forum maybe you could drop me a msg? Could use some pointers and advice to find LFS who sell CRS, RCS and supplies.

Have a great day!

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:57 am
by Neonshrimp
Hello Fuzzy and welcome to the site. You will find plenty of great/useful information here about seting up the tank and taking care of your shrimp.

Good choice of plants to add to the 11g tank, which is a good size to keep shrimp in. I hope you are able to find a LFS that is local, I know it makes things alot easier :mrgreen: Best wishes and let us know how it goes :-) .

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:12 am
by Fuzzy
Neonshrimp wrote:Hello Fuzzy and welcome to the site. You will find plenty of great/useful information here about seting up the tank and taking care of your shrimp.

Good choice of plants to add to the 11g tank, which is a good size to keep shrimp in. I hope you are able to find a LFS that is local, I know it makes things alot easier :mrgreen: Best wishes and let us know how it goes :-) .
Success! I have a dozen Cherry Reds coming this monday, woo I'm excited, staring at all these plants and snails is boring me =)
They were pretty cheap too! USD$0.65 each, hehe.

My tank should be cycled by then. going to experiment with a yeast CO2 reactor this week to stay busy, hehe.

They also have crystal black shrimp available, but I think I'll hold off before I get too adventurous.

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:30 pm
by Fuzzy
I got lucky, 2 of my shrimp came berried! I hope the entire process won't stress them out too much.

pics forthcoming!

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:51 am
by adimeatatime
Welcome!!! :smt006 Great news!! I look forward to the pictures.

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:46 am
by Fuzzy
I've sighted about 5 or 6 shrimplets in my tank! Aquascaping almost done, pics soon when I get my camera back!

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:36 am
by Neonshrimp
Congratulations! If you see 5 or 6 now, there are many more usually hiding aound the tank :wink:

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:10 pm
by southerndesert
Great news and congrats.... Always fun to see new babies in the tank.

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:53 pm
by Fuzzy
Haven't updated in awhile, been rather hectic at work, and I somehow have now found myself down with a serious case of shrimp fever and the
1.5 footer has been replaced with a 2 foot (currently being cycled for CRS) and a 3 foot tank which now houses the inhabitants previously in my 1.5 footer.

Things have been progressing well and the menagerie has grown considerably, aside from Red Cherry shrimp who have been doing fairly well
(I have lost 6 of the original 20 RCS but have almost 20 surviving shrimplets)

I now have 3 Rasboras Espei, and 10 Microrasboras sp. Galaxy and 5 Anentome Helena in the tank along with about 10 each of Malayan shrimp, Bamboo shrimp, Amano shrimp, Tiger shrimp,
blue shrimp and a species of orange colored shrimp which I have not managed to ID.

They all seem to be getting along well in the community tank with the exception of the Amano shrimp bullying the smaller species around a bit during feeding time.

My camera should be back soon (been at the service center for near 3 months awaiting a replacement CCD) and pictures will be forthcoming!

Re: Hello from Singapore! (New member)

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:01 am
by Neonshrimp
Hi Fuzzy, Thanks for the updates.

The bullying, dead and missing shrimp are a part of keeping different shrimp and fish together. It sounds like you now have a few tanks to use, have fun :D
and I somehow have now found myself down with a serious case of shrimp fever...
Treatment: Buy two shrimp and call me in the morning.