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Ghost shrimp fry or fish lice?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:12 pm
by fishbone
I'm cleaning my HOB just now and I found 4-5 trapped ghost shrimp babies in there. They are tiny and I am picking them off with a dropper and placing them back in the tank.
However, I've also found something else in the water. Best I can describe it is they look like a torpedo. Elongated body with something that looks like a "bow" at the tail, almost like the tail of a crustacean. They are as small as the tip of a needle, literally. When I shine my flashlight, they jump all around like lice. They are translucent or white. What does this sound like to you guys? Is it fish lice or did ghost shrimp fry get past my pre-filter? I searched online but couldn't really find a definitive answer to how the fry look and the way they act. They seem to be aggitated by my flashlight and actually follow the light.