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Crayfish and corners?

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:27 pm
by pantalaimonksa
I got a new crayfish 2 days ago, and I've never had an aquarium pet before (mammals are my specialty...) so I'm working things out as I go. I think I have a pretty good set up for her - two hiding places (a PVC elbow joint and a fish castle that she particularly likes) three water plants, and following the instructions of the 'kit' I bought, she's in a 2 gallon (7 liter) tank with a water depth of about 1.5 inches (4 cm?). I borrowed a filter from a friend ( ... Id=2752355) but because of the water depth it's basically useless.

So, I have two concerns:

1) If I change the water weekly, will the oxygen levels be okay without an air pump?
2) Luna has a habit of propping herself up in corners so that her side is sticking partway out of the water. In relation to the oxygen question, I was afraid she's doing this because she can't breathe, but a friend explained this to me as 'crayfish just like corners' and recommended putting bubble wrap in to round them out. Do you have any other takes on why she's doing this? Is it harmful? How would you recommend stopping it, if necessary?

(Yes, I know she's missing a claw. It wasn't in her mailing bag, so I can only assume it happened when she was younger. I suppose that's a bright side?)


Re: Crayfish and corners?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:43 pm
by zapisto
you should search and read before buy a live animal :(
if you can bring it back to the store get a credit and back to you home start study and read.

when you get ready and have all the mat take your credit and try agin.

Re: Crayfish and corners?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:32 am
by pantalaimonksa
I'd appreciate constructive and helpful advice rather than incoherent criticism, thanks.

A few days after my original post I purchased an air pump, and the side-surfacing behavior has basically disappeared. She molted last Friday, and my professor who works with crayfish says that means I'm keeping her in good conditions if she's comfortable enough to grow.