I need help identifying a snail

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I need help identifying a snail

Post by shrimpmom »

I'm new to the hobby so please forgive any stupidity I may display. I am in love with blue tiger shrimp and have had success with one berried female giving birth. The babies were so tiny, but I could see them if I looked very hard. Than all of a sudden they were gone. The only other thing in the tank is this weird snail. I have not been able to figure out what it is. I think it may be an apple snail but I have not seen any pictures of apple's that look like it. It has a bright white body and a mother of pearl looking colored shell. Can anybody identify it and tell me if it eats baby shrimp?
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Re: I need help identifying a snail

Post by Mustafa »

Pictures would be helpful. It could still be an apple snail...there are tons of color varieties out there.
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Re: I need help identifying a snail

Post by Sean »

I realize that this thread is a little old, but this snail sounds like my old friend radix labiata. A.k.a.: wandering pond snail, donkey eared pond snail, and, in the case of the pic here ... Daisey.
radix labiata picture
radix labiata picture
radix3.jpg (141.27 KiB) Viewed 11987 times
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Re: I need help identifying a snail

Post by Mustafa »

Thanks for the picture, Sean. I really doubt, though, that the person above has a Radix sp. as those are not that common in most of the world. The description of the snail was so general that it could be any number of snail species out there, although it's most likely just a color variety of apple snails that the above person had never seen before.