Sick RCS?

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Sick RCS?

Post by pinkisthenewblue »


Sorry I'm new to shrimp keeping and all. I've had a 25g tank for about 6 weeks with just RCS, a bit of java moss and a few java ferns. Lately they have been a bit lazy and over the past week 6-7 have steadily turned milky white inside. Only one death so far. I've googled whether they are ill or what and can't find a consensus on whether they are ill or have a parasite. Can someone help? Pic attached.

My params are (all approximate)

PH 6-6.4
Nitrates NONE
Ammonia NONE
Nitrites NONE
GH 4?
KH 0
Temp 74-76f

I do 20% w/c every week with aged tap water & dechlorinator (inc chloramines).

So I'm more interested in whether they look ill or not. In the 6 weeks I've had at least 2 births, the first ones are 7-10mm and the second ones are very new (2-3mm) so they seem to be doing OK. THanks!
One of the shrimp
One of the shrimp
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Re: Sick RCS?

Post by Mustafa »

That's how some shrimp react to deteriorated/bad water conditions. I would personally keep shrimp at around neutral Ph and make sure that your dechlorinator actually gets rid of all the chlorine/chloramine in your water. Buy a pool test kit for chloramine and test your *treated* water in a bucket before you add it to your tank during the next water change. If you detect any signs of "chlorine", you must increase the dose of your dechlorinator. There is always the possibility that you are overfeeding and deteriorating the water that way, of course.