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ID & Sexin Of Glass Shrimp (Paratya Australiensis)

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:25 am
by ChearpyTrice
Hey ya
My Boyfriend & I & some friends caught some shrimp at the creek down from us & we r in QLD Australia. They r small & clear with orange tails & I think they r Glass Shrimp (Paratya Australiensis) or from that famaily. Wat type of shrimp r they ? How do u sex them ? I have set up a tank 4 them with half the water from the creek & the other half rainwater & sand from the creek & they seem 2 be doin well so far as my boyfriend saw them matein.
Tar tar Patrice

Re: ID & Sexin Of Glass Shrimp (Paratya Australiensis)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:14 pm
by Mustafa
Do you think you can post some pictures? There are actually lots of shrimp species in Australia. As for sexing's the same as with all mature shrimp. Generally, mature females are fatter, bigger and their "shell" extends further down around the area where the pleopods ("swimmeretes") are so the females can accommodate eggs.

Re: ID & Sexin Of Glass Shrimp (Paratya Australiensis)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:01 pm
by ChearpyTrice
Hey ya
Took some pics last night & not shore how to load them on here ? They r not the best pics as the waters dirty from usein half the creek water but is slow clearing up & will leave it a week & do a small water change with more RainWater. The 6 Glass Shrimps r still doin well & do like dancein things at each other (flickin their pleopods) at each other & I think I have 1 female & 1 male for shore & the other r male or just to young to tell as they r smaller than the other 2 but I will have either look at them now I know wat to look for. I brought them some food yesterday called Formula 2 Marine Pellets by Ocean Nutrition & it's Enriched With Colour Enhancer, Spirulina, Garlic, Proteins & Is For Herbivorous & Omnivorous Marine Tropicals Fish but is suitable for Shrimp as it contains wat they like as well & its a very tiny soft moist pellet. I fed them last night as their no algae in the tank yet & gave them 1 very tiny ball each & they ate it up. I'm goin to have to watch my Boyfriend closely lol as he wanted to give them more food last night & I said to him wat I gave them was enough & if u over feed them he will kill them as it pollutes the water & as soon as I said explaned it would kill them he stoped lol because he just loves them & spends a lot of time watchin them.
Tar tar Patrice

Re: ID & Sexin Of Glass Shrimp (Paratya Australiensis)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:14 am
by Mustafa
Hi Patrice,

When you hit "Reply" there is a "Upload attachment" tab right next to the "Options" tab under the text input area and even under the "submit" button. You can upload your picture directly to the forum that way.

As for your boyfriend...he's not alone. Most people overfeed for two reasons: 1. They are used to feeding animals daily (dogs, cats, birds, fish etc.) 2. Humans LOVE watching animals eat (for some strange reason).

I'm glad your boyfriend learned his lesson, though. :-D

Re: ID & Sexin Of Glass Shrimp (Paratya Australiensis)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:53 pm
by ChearpyTrice
Hey ya
I can't load the pics that way as I have a IPad but here's a FaceBook Link of the Glass Shrimp its the only way I could show the pics. ... 064&type=3

Yer my Boyfriend loves watchin them eat lol so I let him feed them now but I watch him lol We have dog, birds, chickens & I wish he would want to feed them lol & use to have freshwater & saltwater fish & I miss my fish will have saltwater fish again when we get our own place. We r really enjoyin Shrimp & I think we have caught the Shrimp bug lol. My BoyFriend found this link on how on sex Shrimp thought I share it. ... d-Cherries
Tar tar Patrice

Re: ID & Sexin Of Glass Shrimp (Paratya Australiensis)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:14 pm
by Mustafa
Thanks for the pictures, Patrice. Your shrimp do seem to have the general body shape of Paratya. I've never kept Paratya, but they should be similar in their requirements to most other atyid shrimp like red cherries, tigers, etc. That link you posted is pretty good, but keep in mind that that kind of sexing only works on mature animals. Immature shrimp can all look male as they have no "saddles" and their bodies are more streamlined.

Re: ID & Sexin Of Glass Shrimp (Paratya Australiensis)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:52 pm
by ChearpyTrice
Hey ya
Ok & Thax 4 ur help & time.
Tar tar Patrice