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Possible new article?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:34 am
by link81
I did a few searches on the board and read through all the articles (again) and it seems as though there is something missing that is very important to shrimp keeping.

An article that discusses water parameters. Yes i know that the information is out there, but its very scattered arround. You have to go one place to find out information about pH and hardness, another place for heavy metals, yet another place for ammonia, nitrates, nitrites.

Admittedly I am very (very) new to the shrimp hobby, but would love to write an article that solely discusses water parameter issues.

Here's what i would like to see in such an article.

-Tank cycling, what to look for, how to do it. How long it takes, how do you know when the tank is cycled...ect

-pH, what is recommended how to raise, how to lower, how to buffer...ect

-Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, same information as pH

Hardness, same as pH

Copper, heavy metals maybe some ferts info, what is known safe ect.

Water Conditioning, when to use a conditioner, is my water ok? ive noticed that there is NO information on acceptable well water parameters.

possibly filters, but i think that is covered in depth elsewhere.

substrates, whats good, whats not good.

anything else following the above lines.

please, if i have somehow missed an article that explains don't beat me up too bad, this was just something i've noticed exploring the boards.

Re: Possible new article?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:53 pm
by ChearpyTrice
Hey ya
If ur want 2 know this info ? I can write it out for u as I have a lot of time on my hands as I'm not workin at the moment.
Tar tar Patrice

Re: Possible new article?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:59 pm
by Mustafa
As you noticed, all of that info is actually on this website if you look in the various articles and forum posts. When I started this website I wanted to make it specifically about shrimp instead of rehashing all the all the general aquarium-related information that could be found on tons of other websites (such as cycling tanks, ph etc). Having said that, I may still put up some information about general aquarium information as I realize that people like to have all the information in one place than go searching for it all over the place. Having said THAT ( :-D ), I have always been a proponent of using web searches to your advantage to inform yourself as much as possible before venturing into any endeavor.

Re: Possible new article?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:11 am
by link81
thats what i've done, all the information is there,

i wasn't refering to a general aquarium water quality article, but one that is very focused on "shrimping" These little guys definitally have their own requirements and preferences compared to regular fish.

just a thought seeing on how new and relatively rare this hobby is. whenever i tell someone i have a shrimp tank they kinda look at me funny and ask me when i'm going to eat them. no one has really seen anything like them before. At least not out here.

Re: Possible new article?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:58 am
by Mustafa
Yes, the hobby is still very new. :) It's come a long way, though, since 2004, when I first started this website...there was no real hobby around shrimp back then, and the "are going to eat them?" comments were even more frequent...