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shrimps racing around

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:15 am
by crip_tic

I've had my Shrimp for just over a year (Tiger, blue pearl and 'yellow'). They live with a few small fish and all is usually well. Every now and again (maybe 2-3 times a year) they race like crazy around the tank. Ammonia is reading 'zero' but that's only with a basic test strip so a bit hit and miss and they are eating and breeding well - not all shrimp are racing but I would say the largest and oldest three or four - the rest are behaving normally.

Should I be worried (temperature is the same as always) - and if this is 'normal' why are they doing it?

Many thanks - still learning :-) be gentle with me!!

Cheers - Louise

Re: shrimps racing around

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:33 pm
by Mustafa
Hello Louise,

From what you are describing it sounds like your males are racing around after a female has molted. That's's part of their mating behavior.