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cherry shrimp with ro water?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:58 pm
by deedee71
hi everyone :smt006

I have had cherry shrimp, for the last year. I had 4, the last one died just recently :( I found her on a branch, covered in clear jelly like substance, with a few air bubbles in it, I don't know if that was the cause of death, or just bacteria decomposing the shrimp's body ?

I have some dwarf puffers which I have never witnessed harass the shrimp, and threadfin rainbows. I have been wondering whether or not to use ro water to do water changes, as I am getting a lot of algae in the fish tank, I think because of the phosphates introduced when feeding the dwarf puffers frozen bloodworm, would a tank with ro water harm shrimp? because i'd like to get some more shrimp. I think someone said to add a little tap water to ro to put some trace elements back into the water, but I cannot remember the percentage.

sorry for the long post.

Re: cherry shrimp with ro water?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:29 pm
by Mustafa
Hi deedee,

The shrimp was probably just decomposing...they can get soft and mushy when that happens. As for the RO's always good to add a little bit of tap water (20-30% should be enough) for the minerals/calcium/carbonates. Just make sure that the tap water is treated with a dechlorinator before mixing it with the RO water and adding it to the tank.