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Methylene Blue

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:47 pm
by Franki
I have been here for a little while but not posted but now have a question.
I have a planted tank with some fish. 5 Bamboo, 4 RCS and some ghost shrimp.
All doing well.
My question concern is I have some Cory's that have laid eggs in the tank.
I want to move them to a breeder net in tank. I have read that they need dosed with Methylene Blue to prevent fungus. Will it hurt my shrimp?
I did a search but results from this site are older. I get mixed reviews from Google. I would like to hatch the Cory eggs but not at the expense of my shrimp.

Re: Methylene Blue

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:37 am
by Mustafa
I wish I could help you, but I have never tried Methylene blue in a shrimp tank. I don't think the MB would hurt the shrimp directly, but it may "mess" with the biological balance in the tank. Shrimp are extremely sensitive, after all, so even if your fish do fine, the shrimp may actually by one.

Re: Methylene Blue

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:54 pm
by khai
Yes it will.
I was in the same situation and successfully eliminated all my Neo's with methylene blue.
Since then I either move eggs to a breeder tank and I dose methylene blue there or avoid the antifungicidal meds and just scrape eggs of the wall to fall onto substrate (don't ask me why does it work, but it does for me. of course it depends whether you have any other fishes in the tank which can eat them).

Re: Methylene Blue

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:47 pm
by Mustafa
Thanks for the data point, khai. I remember having issues with "bag buddies" which used to be used by some people for shipping fish. They had methylene blue, among other things. I used them only once with test how a shrimp in a bag with bag buddies would do. The the shrimp deteriorated quickly, so I rescued it. I did not know if it was the methylene blue or something else. Your experience makes me think it *was* the methylene blue...