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Blue Pearl Shrimp Compatibility?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:58 pm
by erikgallagher
Hi, I am a newbie when it comes to shrimp although I am quite experienced with crayfish, anyway I have a 20g tank and I have been looking for a blue species of shrimp to add. My favorite species of blue colored shrimp that I found was the blue pearl shrimp. I figured that its care requirements weren't much different from ghost shrimp which are perfectly compatible with my tetras, danios, and rasboras but when I did a little research on the the blue pearl shrimp a lot of websites and people told me that the water quality requirements of blue pearl shrimp are not compatible with the tropical fish that I have and really wanted to know if this is true or not because I think the blue pearl shrimp would be a beautiful addition to my peaceful community tank.

Re: Blue Pearl Shrimp Compatibility?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:18 pm
by erikgallagher
The other species of shrimp I found was the blue tiger shrimp I do like these better but I know nothing about them would they be easier or harder to take care of then blue pearls?

Re: Blue Pearl Shrimp Compatibility?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:32 pm
by KenCotigirl
Forget water parameters. Fish and shrimp do not mix. If they breed the babies are fish food. If your tank is heavily planted some may survive but they will be hiding. Even adults can be picked at and stressed.

Re: Blue Pearl Shrimp Compatibility?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:39 pm
by erikgallagher
I'm sorry I didn't specify but I'm not looking to breed shrimp I just wanted to have 1 shrimp as a cleaning part of the tank so breeding isn't an issue but I don't want some ugly ghost shrimp I want something presentable something I could still look at. My favorite shrimp is a blue tiger shrimp but their PH level seems a bit different then that of a normal tropical community fish my water stays within 7 to 7.5 would this be ok for blue tigers or is this risky? Also the fish I currently have are extremely peaceful there is no chance of adult shrimp being picked on.

Re: Blue Pearl Shrimp Compatibility?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:56 pm
by Mustafa
1 shrimp? You realize that these shrimp are tiny, right? With one shrimp in the tank you barely ever see it, if at all, as it will be hiding constantly (due to the fish) and probably just come out at night. One shrimp won't be of any help as a cleaner, either. I would suggest getting at least 10 of whatever species you decide to get. As for water long as you don't have extremes in acidity and alkalinity, your shrimp will be just fine.