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Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:00 am
by clippergear
I have been reading many articles and been on many forums and am now confused as to what to do about the water in my tanks. Where I live we have a well from which our water comes from. The water directly out of the well is rust colored and colors everything a rust color that it comes in contact with. I have been told that it is extremely high in iron and other chemicals, so I cannot use that water in my tanks. The water that comes in the house goes through a water softening system and I have read that you should definitely not use that water in your tanks because of the chemicals used to soften the water. I have also read that RO water isn't that good for shrimp. So, I have been using distilled water and then just adding back the chemicals and minerals necessary to make it shrimp friendly. However, I just came across another post on this forum that distilled water is extremely high in copper and it shouldn't be used. I have been using distilled water for a few months now and have had no problems with my shrimp or snails.....until now, all my shrimp are clustered up in a small group together and have been for the last day. I have checked the water levels and they are fine, I did a water change and they are still clustered together not doing their normal shrimp behaviors. In case the post about distilled water having copper in it was true, I tested the water for copper and it came up with a reading of zero, no copper. So I know that's not the problem. Anybody whose seen this behavior from their shrimp, please let me know what it is and what I should do about it. Thanks.

Given the information above, It seems to me that distilled water is my only choice or is there another option I'm not aware of?

Thanks for any information given............Stacy

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:51 am
by KenCotigirl
I believe in the long run ro water is the way to go. You use a water softener which reduces hardness and I assume the softener removes the iron. With soft and reasonable iron free water the ro membrane should have normal to long life. When using ro or distilled water you will need to remineralize the water. Otherwise you may get crazy pH swings. There are many remineralizers on the market. Look for 7.2 pH. Salty shrimp is $$ but an example. Top off with ro and water change with remineralized water.

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:26 pm
by Stalker
And... Normal tap water is OK for most shrimps (all Neocaridinae, all C. Babaulti, malawa etc.) I use super hard water forum Paris for 3 years and it's OK.

Also many french shrimp keepers use cheap water in bottles because reversed osmosed water is ecologicaly disgusting and rain water sometimes polluted (and difficult to find in quantities).

If you use pure or purified water, you can remineralise it to the perfect level for some hard shrimps (like bees) using special soils for shrimps or cheaper soil for bonzaïs

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:47 am
by clippergear
Thanks for the information. I guess I'll have to get my RO filter cleaned or at this point probably replaced since we haven't used it in so long. I wonder what would be cheaper, buying 69 cent distilled water in the gallons or fixing my RO??? I know fixing the RO is expensive, we had it estimated once a few years ago. Thanks again........Stacy

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:06 pm
by Stalker
What kind of shrimps do you have?

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:22 pm
by clippergear
Right now I have 6 Amano's in a 5 gallon with some african dwarf frogs. I'm in the process of cycling another 5 gallon that will be a shrimp only tank. I'm planning on getting some bloody mary shrimp and some green shrimp and probably another type but haven't made that decision yet.

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:45 pm
by Stalker
Then use tap water and stop to torture yourself :D

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:45 am
by clippergear
But my tap water is from a well and has been through a water softening system. I have read several times that you are definitely NOT supposed to use water that's gone through a softening system because of the chemicals and salts that are used to soften the water. Am I wrong in that thinking?

Thanks for spending the time on my posts and questions, I really appreciate you taking the time......Stacy

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:36 am
by Stalker
Do you have a not so polluted river, lake or pond full of life next to your home? You can filtrate it in a coffee filter and use it.

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:07 am
by clippergear
Unfortunately I do not have a nonpolluted lake, pond or river anywhere near my house. Most of the water around here is going to be brackish as I live in southwest Florida (way down south on the gulf side). Looking more like I'm going the distilled water route. What do you think? Again, thanks for your time and information............Stacy

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:12 pm
by Stalker
Osmosed water from your petshop or garden center will be better and cheaper (in France you find free osmosed water in some petshops). And again, some water in bottles may be cheapper than distilled water.

Re: Tap, Well, RO or DI Water, Which to use???

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:44 am
by KenCotigirl
I would suggest you start with plain cherries, $1-$2 each. They are very adaptable. Use your tap water. Once you get them to successfully breed and their offspring to breed then try other shrimp.