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Dwarf Mexican crayfish paralyzed

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:06 pm
by Axiose
New to this forum, but my ongoing dilemma seems to be lacking answers within the internet including this forum. Not long ago I decided to try my hand at keeping a couple of these very interesting dwarf crayfish. I have two in the 5 gallon fluval spec with some other more peaceful shrimp. While the larger of the two is continuing to do well in this set up, the other has fallen ill in the last couple days. His symptoms include a sudden kind of paralyzed state and an overall lack of control. This occurred long after the animation process perhaps by a week at least.

The tank is a 5 gallon set up that's been going for around a year and has housed a variety of dwarf shrimp in the past. It contains a piece of driftwood that has been in the set up since it's conception that's been covered with a java moss carpet and a few other small plants. I use RO water with mineral supplements via montmorillonite stones. This makes the ph stable around 6.8, ammonia 0 and a lower gh/kh.

This smaller crayfish which exhibited a very vigorous behavior prior is the only specimen that has become ill. With all other inhabitants behaving perfectly normal including a few variants of dwarf shrimp, the other crayfish, several snails, and a filter shrimp. I'm currently keeping him isolated in a net so the other crayfish doesn't consume him. He is only able to make certain spasms at times and I fear his death will come from starvation before this disease does. Any advice on possible treatment or cause would be much appreciated. Will do my best to answer any further questions.

Re: Dwarf Mexican crayfish paralyzed

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:56 pm
by pearlious
Hi there,

I just googled the exact same issue that I'm having with my Mexican dwarf as well. He was extremely active before and I've had him over a year now. Just a few days ago I saw him on his back and assumed he was dead, but he is able to move minutely but seems paralyzed. Did you ever find a solution?

Thank you

Re: Dwarf Mexican crayfish paralyzed

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:10 am
by Mustafa
This is not a disease or anything. For whatever reason (water parameters usually) crayfish get into this state and die, although some of them can hang on without even feeding for a very long time. The best thing to do is to have good water quality. Make sure to use a double dose of your dechlorinator with water changes. A lot of these mysterious deaths and problems are caused by chronic chloramine poisoning.

Re: Dwarf Mexican crayfish paralyzed

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:06 am
by aquon
I recently setup a crayfish tank (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5847). Is it always certain death after this happens or can an affected crayfish survive? I fear one of my crayfish may be suffering the same fate. It looks like I should probably reassess the tank water levels asap as by the sounds of it, the water may not be balanced correctly.

Re: Dwarf Mexican crayfish paralyzed

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:42 pm
by Mustafa
It's pretty much certain death.