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cherry shrimps/Indian Aglae shrimps.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:24 pm
by samosette
About 2 months ago I bought 5 cherry shrimps at the my lfs, 2 were red, the other three were clear. They do look the same, just different colors. I was told they would change into their natural red color when they get established. They are in a well planted tank with other shrimps and some SAE. They seem to be happy in there, they swim around and are out alot. They are about 1/2- 2/3 of an inch long and they dont seem to grow that much. How big do cherries get? When are they ready to breed?

I think I have some of these Indian algae shrimps also, about 6-7 and they all look like they have eggs, but i cant seem to locate or identify a male. But these guys have breed in my tank at least once, but I'm not sure if they were already fertalized when i bought them. Anyone have much experience with these guys? And what a male would like like? pretty much the same i would guess? (without the eggs)