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help with a pregnant fancy shrimp

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:42 pm
by chelsea.adell
Ive recently become interested in the shrimp hobby. I started with a few ghost shrimp and 1 RCS and ended up with a 10gal ghost shrimp tank with numerous aults and 30+ baby ghosties & 2 guppies and a 10gal fancy shrimp tank because I obtained a pregnant crystal red shrimp and I read that ghost shrimp will eat the babies, so into their own tank they went. The fancy shrimp tank now contains an adult female CRS (not the one I bought pregnant, she died the day after releasing the babies, but luckily the LFS had another one when I went back) 1 (mixed)red cherry, 1 female tangerine, 2 malawa, and 2 (what I believe are)pearl blue shrimp, 1 male and 1 female<the pregnant one(noticed she was berried christmas eve, one of other shrimp in the tank is responsible, is it likely its the other blue one?), and ~25 baby CRS(released december 14th) the ones I mentioned to be females are ones I can see a saddle, the others im unsure. When the CRS had her babies I put her in a 1 gal container and floated it in the tank doing daily water changes 1 cup at a time a few times a day and as far as I can tall all the babies lived. The tank is planted with egeria, crystalwort, a banana plant, a moss ball specifically for the baby shrimp, and a mystery seed thats growing dark grass like leaves. What I want to know is now that the tank is strictly fancy shrimp am I safe to let the female release her eggs into the tank or do I need to take her out towards the end of her gestation? I read that fancy shrimp dont prey on even the babies of others but im not beyond wanting a second opinion, ive become very attached to these little buggers and I dont want them getting snacked on. As I said I managed to keep all the baby CRS and id like to do the same for the blue pearl shrimp as well. Any information or experiences are appreciated! Thank you!

Re: help with a pregnant fancy shrimp

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:39 pm
by Mustafa
Welcome to the forum..not sure what the specific question is. There are years worth of experiences in this forum, so I'd start with performing a few searches and browsing various topics.

Re: help with a pregnant fancy shrimp

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:02 pm
by chelsea.adell
Thank you. :-D I have since had luck with the fancy shrimp and theyre breeding steadily. I had to set up another tank because they overpopulated my 10 gal. My new problem is breeding whisker shrimp. Haha

Re: help with a pregnant fancy shrimp

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:05 pm
by Mustafa
Do you have any pictures of the whisker shrimp? There are a few species that are called "whisker shrimp" but usually it's Macrobrachium lanchesteri.