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pregnant ghost shimp

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:11 pm
by fairyprincess_16
I have a few questions, first, how do you know if a ghost shrimp is pregnant? Second, I am almost certain that I have one that is pregnant, and a few nights ago, I tried to remove her from the big tank, and into a pickle jar, is this ok? Next, I used a cup to get her out, and then tried to dump her into the pickle jar, and she jumped into the top drawer of the dresser that the large fish tank is on. Could the shock of this kill her or the babies, she seems ok for right now, but I don't think she is eating. How long is a shrimp pregnant for? How long should the new babies be away from the larger tank before I put them in with the rest of my fish and shrimp? Any answers would be appriciated.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:49 am
by Dolfan
I'm also trying to breed ghost shrimp, it's pretty hard at least for me. But here are 2 good websites explaining a good bit about ghost shrimp breeding. ... rimp.shtml

You can usually see some greenish eggs under her belly. When 1 of mine was pregnant, the eggs one day seperated from the mother and they never hatched. Waiting for my next chance. Good luck!