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A VERY pragnant Miss Tiger

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:14 pm
by shrimpboyLA
It took a while but it seems like one of my Red Tiger shrimps is finally ready to give birth.


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:23 am
by Mustafa
Congratulations, but you don't have a "Red Tiger Shrimp." Again, the milky coloration and the reddish stripes indicate that your tiger shrimp is sick/stressed out. Shrimp change coloration when they are sick. It might recover, it might not but as it looks she will release her young very soon.

Compare your tiger shrimp to the pictures I have provided on my Shrimp Varieties page to see the difference between sick and healthy shrimp.


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 6:51 am
by rclover
how long did it take to get pregnant?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:27 am
by retardo
it doesn't look sick to me. good luck with the offspring when they hatch! congrats!


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:43 am
by samosette
Hey, Shimpboy where did you get your tigers? I've been looking for them all around my area and to no avail, nada! I would love to get my hands on some tigers.. as well as greens, crystal reds, and bees, (not bumbles). I'm even willing to drive up to 100 miles one way to get them. Just no one around here ever has them. dam!!

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 1:01 pm
by shrimpboyLA
Mustafa: As far as I know from being in Asia looking at the local shrimp selections. They have various tiger color variations, namely Blue Tiger, Red Tiger, Big tiger, Small Tiger, crazy tiger( just kidding )....I guess they basically make up the names up as they go along :-D I will be in Asia soon and I can take some photos of the various tiger shrimp types for you.

rclover: If I remember correctly I got this batch of tiger shrimps back in Dec. None of them are pragnant at the time but I started seeing babies after a couple of months. As long as they are happily feeding and shedding their shells successfully then you will see your's carrying eggs soon.

retardo: So how are the Tigers I shipped you doing? Soon you will have to start up your other tanks for the exploding colony :)

samosette: I get my tiger shrimps from my wholesaler here in Los Angeles. Where are you located? I can pick some up for you if you want and if you're close enough to me then you can even pick it up from my house. You can reach me directly at

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:29 pm
by shrimpboyLA
Another thought...I always wondered if the shrimps are born with a humongous headache.

It must not be fun to spend the gestation period under the mommy shrimps flippers cos they always get banged around when the mommy shrimp swims.

Just a thought :-D

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:58 pm
by Mustafa
shrimpboyLA wrote:Mustafa: As far as I know from being in Asia looking at the local shrimp selections. They have various tiger color variations, namely Blue Tiger, Red Tiger, Big tiger, Small Tiger, crazy tiger( just kidding )....I guess they basically make up the names up as they go along :-D I will be in Asia soon and I can take some photos of the various tiger shrimp types for you.
Yes, I know...I have seen them all since they are also imported to the US. Most "variations" are not really variations but really sick tigers, especially if they have a milky me on that. The only real color variations I have seen so far are the normal tigers without much orange on the head and tails, tiger shrimp with very intense orange on the heads and tails, bluish tiger shrimp and tiger shrimp with very thin stripes. Most of everything else they want to sell you as a variation are just different stages of sickness (although, of course, there could always be new color variations that are valid but just not known yet). That tiger up there is sick/stressed out and *not* a red tiger shrimp. That's for sure. How do I know? Because I've seen normal tiger shrimp change into exactly the above coloration when stressed out or sick....


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:10 pm
by Mustafa
Of course it doesn't look sick to you. That's why *I* put up this website and put all the info about shrimp in it and not *you.* :-D Before I told people how sick shrimp looked like they thought that their sick shrimp were color variations. Before I told people where shrimp have their ovaries, they thought the shrimp with the "saddle" were color variations worth selectively breeding. Before I told people how males look like in most species they were wondering why their shrimp never bred (because they had all females)...etc....etc...etc..

I base my statements exclusively on personal observations with over 20 species of shrimp that I am personally keeping and many more that I have had experience with. They all have something in common when they get sick or stressed out...they get milky and some of their colors change. Any person with a minimum amount of real experience with shrimp knows that. What are you basing your judgment on?

That tiger is clearly sick/stressed out....there is not even a doubt about that. Of course you can disagree with me, but in this case your disagreement is analogous to looking at a human with a bunch of red spots all over his/her body and saying: "This person does not look sick to's probably a 'color variation.'" If you've never been told what a sick person looks like you will commit such a fallacy. At least disagreements should have some basis in logic and fact.

End of discussion for me.
retardo wrote:it doesn't look sick to me. good luck with the offspring when they hatch! congrats!

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:43 pm
by shrimpboyLA
Well I guess the shrimp can be stressed out from being pragnant.

I learned from being around pragnant women that it's not a fun time for them and if the babies ended up with redish stripes then my theory of baby stressed from being banged around during gestation is correct! :-D

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:50 pm
by retardo

with all due respect, I AM ENTITLED TO MY OPINION. i said it DOES NOT LOOK SICK to me. i did NOT STATE FOR A FACT that it wasn't. you may very well be the moderator and creator of this forum and have 20years experience, but that does not necessarily mean you are right either.

i find it utterly repulsive and am highly incensed that you are SO ABSOLUTELY unaccepting of others' views, berating and belittling members of this forum when you get a chance. even you state " my statements [are based] exclusively on personal observations." well, it is MY PERSONAL OBSERVATION that the shrimp is not sick. you DO NOT KNOW its history nor do you KNOW how long that shrimp in question has been alive. if it's been alive for months, it is NOT sick. it is a color variation as far as i am concerned.

i allow for the chance that there are more varieties of shrimp out there and the color variations than you are... at least, that is obvious to me. i take everything that others have to contribute to this forum with a grain of salt, not as fact. (EDIT: also, any REAL EXPERT out there would be quite a bit more open-minded than you have been and allow for differences, mutations, etc. and they would not be condescending as you are, always.)

in addition, i did not find it necessary for you to respond to my post. it could've just sat as a comment, again, OF MY OPINION. you have serious issues. and, please, don't try to pass it off as you trying make sure people are getting the correct information and not to take in personally, because, quite honestly, you make it VERY HARD not to.

LIGHTEN UP!!! you make it as if my comment is the end of the world.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:13 pm
by Mustafa
Listen "retardo",

I suggest you stop screaming for no reason and think about everything you are saying in a logical fashion. If you cannot take a little bit of questioning of your opinion to find out what your opinion is based on, then you are definitely at the wrong place.

If you had done your research (including searching this forum as I always suggest) you would have known that sick shrimp can live for weeks and months in their sick state and some do even recover. But of course it's easier to scream and yell and be all offended...this is usually what people do when they are put in the corner and have nothing to base their "opinions" on except for: "It's just my opinion."

And there is a difference between having an opinion and knowing for a fact. I refuse to have even a hint of a conversation with someone who insists that a sick shrimp is a "color variation." Nonsense "opinions" such as yours were the reason why I put up this website to educate people about these animals.

If you're going to continue screaming and yelling I will have to delete your posts and ban you from this forum. That kind of behavior is not appropriate for this forum and is definitely *not* tolerated. Trust me, it would not be the first time I do this. I will leave your prior post as an example for people of how *not* to react to challenges to their "opinions."

There are tons of people here who have not agreed with me in the past and we resolved these issues through communication...even if it got more heated. People who acted all insulted and started screaming and yelling either calmed down or were thrown out. End of story.

Your behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Even if discussions get "heated" (which is totally fine) people should keep their cool and argue in a civil manner. Yelling and screaming and acting all insulted does not fit that description. As you can see...I am getting my point across without resorting to yelling and accusing you of having "serious issues." You live and learn. Communication 101.

I hope I made myself clear!

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:11 pm
by S
Q. What did the sick shrimp say when he took his medicine?
A. I hope I made myself clear!

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:35 pm
by gnome
<big snip of stuff that neither belongs in this thread nor the forum....Mustafa>

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:29 pm
by shrimpboyLA
Naomi: Please don't go! We need you here!

S: That's not what my shrimp said. She was asking me if I had anything that's got more of a kick to it! So I gave Musta.....I mean the shrimp some Mydol. :-D Just kidding!