I'm wondering if you can tell me what type of shrimp these guys are. I got them a few hours ago. The tank at the store said "Japonica shrimp". They are about an inch and a half, clear to a yellowish tone, and have spots of red. All 4 of them also have red bands around their ..arms? legs? ( The ones with the claws. ) Their antenna have bands of red on them as well. These are the best pictures I can get of them so far. I hope they're ok. I'm just wondering if they are, indeed, Japonica shrimp. They dont look like the photos I have seen. I just want to find out because one is carrying a large clutch of eggs (they are a dark brownish color, and look large), and I want to make sure I know what to do when she's ready to drop them.
Oh. I also have them in a tank with one preg. adult guppy, and two 1 month old guppies, and that's all.
Help identfy these shrimp
Moderator: Mustafa
Re: Help identfy these shrimp
Thanks! I went through all of them, or at least I thought I did. I missed the very one I was looking for. They look more like that then any other shrimp, though still a tad bit off.. but, reading down, it says they can have red all over, which mine see to do. So, off to read more about the glass shrimp, and how to keep the babies safe & alive. Thanks again.