setting up CO2 and shrimp..

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Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2007 6:07 pm

setting up CO2 and shrimp..

Post by Skratikans »

Im a noob when it comes to pressurized CO2, but I was wondering if any of you experts could steer me in the right direction. I would like to raise blue tigers using press. CO2 but Im worried that I may have a pH crash and end up killing them. I wanted a relatively simple way of being able to run the system. Do I monitor this with a drop checker or pH controller? What do a lot of you guys use? How do most people go about a CO2 system and shrimp in general?
Posts: 34
Joined: Wed May 27, 2009 4:14 am

Re: setting up CO2 and shrimp..

Post by 7Enigma »

Pressurized CO2 is (AFAIK) only used on high light, well fertilized, planted tanks. My 20 gallon at home is exactly this type of tank. The problem is these tanks are rarely shrimp friendly and so most of the research I've done says stick with low light, non fertilized tanks. If you do still go with a CO2 setup I can tell you from experience with fish that a pH change due to CO2 is NOT the same as a pH swing due to KH or other hardness/chemical additions and so is probably not going to adversely effect them. But the ferts you use will most likely be detrimental to them.

