White Ghost Shrimp are they sick?

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White Ghost Shrimp are they sick?

Post by Betta »

Some of my Ghost Shrimp are turning white instead of being their normal clear selves. Does anyone have experience with this happening.

I think the last time one of my Ghost Shrimp died it turned white.
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Post by Mustafa »

Your shrimp are most likely going to die again. Something in your tank must be wrong if this keeps happening regularly. Another possibility is that you are getting already "pre-damaged" (maybe ammonia poisoned?) shrimp from the local fish store. Ghost shrimp, despite their usual low price, are very delicate and sensitive creatures that need clean water with no trace of ammonia or nitrites. I hope you also feed them regularly since they will not eat algae....

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Post by Betta »

I tested my water the other day and didn’t have any ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate. The tank is over grown with hornwort and Java moss.

I haven’t bought any ghost shrimp for a few months. So they are at least that old. I still have one or two that are almost a year old.

Only 2 of my (I think 5) ghost shrimp are white. One is all white and the other has a white spot in his upper body and then starting at the end of his tail and working it’s way up.

At $.30 each I don’t care that much. My other (more expensive) shrimp seem ok.

A few weeks ago I bought 4 Red Cherry Shrimp. (They were a new item at the fish store.) One had eggs when I bought her. Now I have at least 15 baby Cherry Shrimp swimming around the tank and eating the algae off the glass and plants. :D

Two days ago I added 6 Amano Shrimp to the tank. I thought the single Amano I had needed some friends. (The pet store close to my house had some so why not.)

The main diet I have been feeding the tank (which also houses five small corydoras) is Tetra ColorBits Tropical Granules and white worms. Then occasional Tetra TetraMin Tropical Tablet or Marineland Labs Bio-Blend Bottom Feeder tablet.

I have another tank that housed a betta (now 18 or so neon tetras). Since the tank was setup there have been the same two ghost shrimp in it. I kept trying to add more ghost shrimp when the tank housed the betta. But they never lasted more that a two weeks. Some turned white before they died others were ripped apart by the betta (or died then were ripped apart).

So I assume some turn white and died and others will be fine.
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Post by thgng »

My guess is that your water might not be hard enough.. (Low kH)
Check you kH.
Previously my Ghost shimps molted every week when I have a kh of 7.

Another suspect could be aggressive fish.
I suspect that the Discus of mine killed 2 of my Wood shrimps and 1 Ghost shrimp. I have removed them since... to be on the "safe" side. :)

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Post by Betta »

I tested my KH (GH and pH, while I was in the testing mood).

5 dKH (90 ppm KH)
9 dGH (161 ppm GH)
7.6 pH

I don't know how big a difference between 5 and 7 would make.

I know my ghost shrimp do molt. I haven't kept track of how often.

With all the new shrimp I have added this month I doubt I can keep track of who molts any more.
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Post by Betta »


Both white ghost shrimps are still alive. :D
The bigger of the two looks like the walking undead though. He(she) is white with dark patched.

One of the Amano shrimp died. :(

The baby Cherry shrimp are growing. :D
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Post by amber2461 »

Sorry to hear about the Japonica but congrats on the cherries :D