Question About Purchasing A Filter

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Question About Purchasing A Filter

Post by nathan515 »


Haven't been on awhile, but I just very very recently ordered a 38 gallon tank for $75 (40 gallon is $ and its coming soon. However, since I started out with a small 10 gallon tank with 10 gallon whisper filter, I have no use for any except the heater I have already which is for a 40 gallon already so its good enough.

Here's everything short and simple (I think):

Creatures: 30-40 Feeder Guppies, Red Ramshorn Snails, 9 Cherry Red Shrimps.

My problem with the whisper is that its not that great, because most of the time the debre/crap/gunk is laying at the bottom of the tank or in the pebbles and the whisper doesn't do a complete job and many time I have to push the dirt up to it for it to be able to clean it all (what I do is turn on the filter every other day, both for electricity bill and I'm not too fond of the water current it creates which is needed to bring up the dirt). I also sort of like a calm tank so I don't like a water current pushing things around a lot.

So what I'm trying to find is a filter for a 38 gallon tank that will be as quiet as possible (its in my room and I have to sleep), won't need changing too much (once a month or something, not too important), won't suck up small fish or shrimps or snails, especially babies (which is very important), wont creat a lot of current and push the plants and animals around (it annoys me), and is efficient in cleaning up dirt from top to bottom and hopefully gravel as well if it can (would very much like). Also don't be too expensive, around $1-30?

Please help me as soon as you can...thanks everyone before hand.

Nathan T.
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Post by YuccaPatrol »

I would choose something like an Aquaclear 50 or 70 with a sponge covering the intake. You can adjust the flow rate as needed.

I have found that a sponge for a "Tetra Billi" fits great over the intake on an AC50. I don't even know what the heck a Tetra Billi is, but the replacement sponge piece is great. It is a fine foam that baby cherries won't get sucked into but large enough to allow decent flow for quite a while before it needs to be rinsed out.

Feeder guppies might really like feeding on baby shrimp. I'd find someone with an Oscar that will take them off your hands. . .
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Post by nathan515 »

YuccaPatrol wrote: Feeder guppies might really like feeding on baby shrimp. I'd find someone with an Oscar that will take them off your hands. . .
Its weird but the guppies seem to ignore the shrimps and don't take them as a food source, they just sort of ignore them.

Anyhow I'm checking up on the filter so thanks and we'll see what happens.

Any other suggestions?
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Post by JayD976 »

YuccaPatrol wrote:I would choose something like an Aquaclear 50 or 70 with a sponge covering the intake. You can adjust the flow rate as needed.

I have found that a sponge for a "Tetra Billi" fits great over the intake on an AC50. I don't even know what the heck a Tetra Billi is, but the replacement sponge piece is great. It is a fine foam that baby cherries won't get sucked into but large enough to allow decent flow for quite a while before it needs to be rinsed out.

Feeder guppies might really like feeding on baby shrimp. I'd find someone with an Oscar that will take them off your hands. . .
thats wat i have and did the same thing with a sponge. i recommend as well.
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Post by demented_lullaby »

I agree I love aquaclear!
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Post by YuccaPatrol »

Since I am a big fan of "over-filtering", I might actually get two AC50's, especially since you are going to have fish and also because the sponge will affect flow rate significantly.
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Re: Question About Purchasing A Filter

Post by Shrimp&Snails »

nathan515 wrote: My problem with the whisper is that its not that great, because most of the time the debre/crap/gunk is laying at the bottom of the tank or in the pebbles and the whisper doesn't do a complete job and many time I have to push the dirt up to it for it to be able to clean it all (what I do is turn on the filter every other day, both for electricity bill and I'm not too fond of the water current it creates which is needed to bring up the dirt). I also sort of like a calm tank so I don't like a water current pushing things around a lot.
Was I the only one freaked out by this? I keep my filters running all the time. :?
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Post by badflash »

The cost of running the filter all the time is very small. If you want a filter that gives good flow, won't suck in baby shrimp, and keeps things pretty clean get an under gravel filter with medium gravel 1" thick, and a reverse flow kit with a powerhead. This has a large foam filter on the intake and blows under the gravel. If the power head is big enough stuff stays floating until the foam filter gets it. The gravel grows bacteria and everything works well. Keep an air stone going with this setup as surface turbulence is low and it doesn't add O2.

If you have lots of gunk on the bottom you are way overfeeding. Between my shrimp and snails the bottom of my cherry & amono tank is always clean.
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Post by nathan515 »

Do you have any in specific so I can check it out, just not too familiar and I don't want to end up with something I'll regret so just want to be sure. far i'm checking on the filter that everyone says. But I have a question.

For the aqua clear how does the sponge look like and how can i get it....i'll look at it right after.
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Re: Question About Purchasing A Filter

Post by YuccaPatrol »

Shrimp&Snails wrote:
Was I the only one freaked out by this? I keep my filters running all the time. :?
Nope. It sounds nutty to me too. If you want to save some actual money on utility bills, turn your hot water heater down and wash your clothes on the cold setting. Or, if you bought a single compact fluorescent light bulb to replace a standard 60 watt incandescent, the electricity saved would certainly power your filter non-stop.
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Post by nathan515 »

Well if you all read what I other reason above that is that I don't like the water current that it creates because in a small 10 gallon tank it pushes stuff around...especially the small plants at the top where the shrimps use as shelter. Also, my baby fish are continually trying to swim away from being sucked inside and therefore away from the current and without the current the filter is pretty useless. And I do that because of a few other reasons, I find it unneccessary because the tank is still pretty clean even after a day or two without filtration and ever heard of the phrase "every little bit counts?" I've tried all methods of bringing my electricity bill down and this can affect it having to live by myself, going to school, and working part time and staying alive. Many of you probably live in families with a dad and a mom, or at least live in your parent(s) house so don't go around lecturing me about how insignificiant my efforts are (please don't reply saying that you don't live with your parents because I said many and I know how people are)

Again...understand the whole situation please. I know I shouldn't keep anything if I'm on such a low budget but they're like the ONLY entertainment that I have and probably the ONLY thing that keeps me happy...sad? yeah I suppose.
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Post by badflash »

You need a reverse flow kit with a power head and undergravel filter. Nothing gets blown anywhere and nothing gets sucked in except the dirt.

Google "Penguin Reverse Flow Kit" and get the associated power head. I used two 550's in a 10 gallon tank and had no turbulence.
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Post by nathan515 »

Thank you thats what I needed...I will definately check up on it