Shrimp ID?

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Moderator: Mustafa

Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:51 am

Shrimp ID?

Post by batou »

Dear PS Brethern/Sistren

I am a novice aquarium enthusiast, I have a 30 Gallon/ c 120 L tank with 8 H.Rasboras and 20odd N.Tetras. I have two CPO Crayfish and an assortment of shrimp that I brought from my LFS. CPOs are harmless and except for a few Tetras missing bits from their tails, the Crayfish have done no major damage. CPOs have not attached Shrimps so far.

I have been able to ID a few of these shrimp- I have thus a few RCS, a Bee Shrimp, a Glass Shrimp and a Super Red RCS and a final shrimp that I have not been able to ID.

The shrimp does not have fan/ filer feeder ( aka I ruled out Bamboo ) and does not look like an Amano ( I could be wrong ) due to its dark, almost full brown color. ( attached are three images that I took of the shrimp perched on a breeder bin ).

Can PS please help me?

Cannot ID This Critter
Cannot ID This Critter
3.jpg (149.86 KiB) Viewed 693 times
Cannot ID This Critter
Cannot ID This Critter
2.jpg (135.52 KiB) Viewed 693 times
Cannot ID This Critter
Cannot ID This Critter
1.jpg (58.66 KiB) Viewed 693 times
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Re: Shrimp ID?

Post by Mustafa »

A side view would be helpful, but that is most likely a "wild" colored Neocaridina sp., which means it can crossbreed with your RCS. If you have male RCS in the same tank and you see this shrimp start carrying eggs, then you can be sure that it's a Neocaridina sp.
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:51 am

Re: Shrimp ID?

Post by batou »

Dear Mustafa

Thanks for the response- I appreciate it.
The phantom shrimp just moulted and is now hiding- next time around, I will try and get a fresh image side profile shot.
